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如何将 Firestore 日期/时间戳转换为 JS Date()?

[英]How do I convert a Firestore date/Timestamp to a JS Date()?

I am trying to convert the below date to a javascript Date() object. When I get it back from the server, it is a Timestamp object,我正在尝试将以下日期转换为 javascript Date() object。当我从服务器取回它时,它是一个时间戳 object,

Screenshot from Firebase Firestore console:来自 Firebase Firestore 控制台的截图:


When I try the following on a list of objects returned from firestore:当我在从 firestore 返回的对象列表上尝试以下操作时:

  list.forEach(a => {
    var d = a.record.dateCreated;
    console.log(d, new Date(d), Date(d))

I get this output:我得到这个 output: 在此处输入图像描述

Clearly the Timestamps are all different, and are not all the same date of Sept 09, 2018 (which happens to be today).显然,时间戳都是不同的,并且并非都是 2018 年 9 月 9 日(恰好是今天)的同一日期。 I'm also not sure why new Date(Timestamp) results in an invalid date .我也不确定为什么new Date(Timestamp) results in an invalid date I'm a bit of a JS newbie, am I doing something wrong with the dates or timestamps?我是一个 JS 新手,我在日期或时间戳方面做错了吗?

The constructor for a JavaScript Date doesn't know anything about Firestore Timestamp objects - it doesn't know what to do with them. JavaScript Date 的构造函数对 Firestore Timestamp对象一无所知——它不知道如何处理它们。

If you want to convert a Timestamp to a Date, use the toDate() method on the Timestamp.如果要将时间戳转换为日期,请在时间戳上使用toDate()方法。

You can use toDate() function along with toDateString() to display the date part alone.您可以使用 toDate() 函数和 toDateString() 单独显示日期部分。

const date = dateCreated.toDate().toDateString()
//Example: Friday Nov 27 2017

Suppose you want only the time part then use the toLocaleTimeString()假设您只想要时间部分,然后使用 toLocaleTimeString()

const time = dateCreated.toDate().toLocaleTimeString('en-US')
//Example: 01:10:18 AM, the locale part 'en-US' is optional

You can use Timestamp.fromDate and .toDate for converting back and forth.您可以使用Timestamp.fromDate.toDate来回转换。

// Date to Timestamp
const t = firebase.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(new Date());

// Timestamp to Date
const d = t.toDate();

请使用toDate()方法,然后使用像这样的角管将其转换为格式 -

   {{ row.orderDate.toDate() | date: 'dd MMM hh:mm' }}

How to convert Unix timestamp to JavaScript Date object.如何将 Unix 时间戳转换为 JavaScript Date 对象。

var myDate = a.record.dateCreated;
new Date(myDate._seconds * 1000); // access the '_seconds' attribute within the timestamp object

apart from other answers you can do it like this as well除了其他答案之外,您也可以这样做

 //date from firebase is represented as let time = { seconds: 1613748319, nanoseconds: 47688698687, } const fireBaseTime = new Date( time.seconds * 1000 + time.nanoseconds / 1000000, ); const date = fireBaseTime.toDateString(); const atTime = fireBaseTime.toLocaleTimeString(); console.log(date, atTime);

const timeStampDate = record.createdAt;
const dateInMillis  = timeStampDate._seconds * 1000

var date = new Date(dateInMillis).toDateString() + ' at ' + new Date(dateInMillis).toLocaleTimeString()

OutPut Example: Sat 11 Jul 2020 at 21:21:10输出示例: Sat 11 Jul 2020 at 21:21:10

At last, I could get what I need.终于,我可以得到我需要的东西了。 This returns date as 08/04/2020这将返回日期为08/04/2020

new Date(firebase.firestore.Timestamp.now().seconds*1000).toLocaleDateString()


new Date(firebaseDate._seconds * 1000).toUTCString()

The timestamp object you get from firestore has a toDate() method you can use.您从 firestore 获得的时间戳对象有一个可以使用的toDate()方法。

list.forEach(a => {
  var d = a.record.dateCreated;

Here's a quote from firebase docs about the toDate() method这是 firebase 文档中关于toDate()方法的引用

Convert a Timestamp to a JavaScript Date object.将 Timestamp 转换为 JavaScript Date 对象。 This conversion causes a loss of precision since Date objects only support millisecond precision.此转换会导致精度损失,因为 Date 对象仅支持毫秒精度。

Returns Date JavaScript Date object representing the same point in time as this Timestamp, with millisecond precision.返回 Date JavaScript Date 对象,表示与此时间戳相同的时间点,精度为毫秒。

https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.firestore.Timestamp#todate https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.firestore.Timestamp#todate

A simple way is to convert firestore timestamp to epoch timestamp is by using toMillis() method on firestore timestamp.一种简单的方法是将 firestore 时间戳转换为 epoch 时间戳,方法是在 firestore 时间戳上使用toMillis()方法。
For example: You have a firestore timestamp例如:您有一个 Firestore 时间戳
created_on : Timestamp { _seconds: 1622885490, _nanoseconds: 374000000 }

let epochTimestamp = created_on.toMillis()
//epochTimestamp = 1621081015081
//Now this timestamp can be used as usual javascript timestamp which is easy to manipulate.
let date = new Date(epochTimestamp) //date = Sat May 15 2021 17:46:55 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)


new Date(firebaseDate.toDate())

This works for me这对我有用

let val = firebase.timestamp // as received from the database, the timestamp always comes in an object similar to this - {_nanoseconds: 488484, _seconds: 1635367}
    (new Date( (val.time._seconds + val.time._nanoseconds * 10 ** -9) * 1000)).toString().substring(17, 21)

Lots of answer here, but as a rookie I found most of them confusing.这里有很多答案,但作为一个菜鸟,我发现他们中的大多数都令人困惑。

So for rookies like me, here is a simple explanation of how to convert a Firestore date/Timestamp to a Javascript Date() and why you need to.所以对于像我这样的新手来说,这里简单解释一下如何将 Firestore 日期/时间戳转换为 Javascript Date() 以及为什么需要这样做。

Why convert?为什么要转换?

Firestore stores Dates as a Timestamp object . Firestore 将日期存储为时间戳对象 This is not the same as a Javascript Date() object.这与 Javascript Date() 对象不同。

This was confusing to me because if you send a Date() object to Firestore, and then retrieve it, it will hand you back a Timestamp object.这让我很困惑,因为如果您将 Date() 对象发送到 Firestore,然后检索它,它会将您返回一个 Timestamp 对象。 Like if you hand Firestore a dollar, it will hand you back 4 quarters.就像你给 Firestore 一美元,它会给你 4 个季度。 It is the same amount of money (or same date), but if you were expecting paper, and got metal, you would be confused.这是相同数量的钱(或相同的日期),但如果你期待的是纸,并且得到了金属,你会感到困惑。

How to convert如何转换

Luckily the Timestamp object has functions built into do give you a Javascript Date object: toDate幸运的是 Timestamp 对象有内置的函数给你一个 Javascript Date 对象: toDate

Note: Remember, toDate looks like the Javascript toLocaleDateString() or toDateString() but it is not.注意:请记住, toDate看起来像 Javascript toLocaleDateString()toDateString()但它不是。 A JS Date() object and Firestore Timestamp object are not the same so don't make my rookie mistake of trying to use functions from one, on the other. JS Date() 对象和 Firestore Timestamp 对象是不一样的,所以不要让我的菜鸟错误尝试使用其中一个函数,另一个。

To convert a Firestore Timestamp into a Javascript date, just call .toDate() on the Timestamp.要将 Firestore 时间戳转换为 Javascript 日期,只需在时间戳上调用.toDate()

//get the document from Firestore
let fireStoreTimestamp = doc.data().nameOfYourDateField;
let javascriptDate = fireStoreTimestamp.toDate();

I had the same problem.我有同样的问题。 And i figured out like this:我发现是这样的:

const createdAt = firebase.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(new Date());

// then using dayjs library you can display your date as you want.

const formatDate = dayjs.unix(createdAt.seconds).format('YYYY-MM-DD');

Output should look like eg 2020-08-04输出应该看起来像例如2020-08-04

If you want don't want to lose the milliseconds you can do the following:如果您不想丢失毫秒,您可以执行以下操作:

var myDate = a.record.dateCreated;
new Date((myDate.seconds + myDate.nanoseconds * 10 ** -9) * 1000);

i work in angular.我在角度工作。

i have an interface and a field date: Date.我有一个界面和一个字段日期:日期。

the angular pipe date no work: order.date |角管日期无效:order.date | date:'medium'日期:'中'

i change type of field date in interface我在界面中更改字段日期的类型

date: firebase.firestore.Timestamp

the angular pipe date work, but with function toDate()角管道日期工作,但功能 toDate()

order.date.toDate() | date:'medium'

It's very simple really.真的很简单。 Use this simple epoch converter function which converts epoch seconds into Javascript date and time.使用这个简单的纪元转换器功能,将纪元秒数转换为 Javascript 日期和时间。

  function getUNIXTime(dt) {
    let unix = new Date(dt * 1000);
    return unix.toUTCString().slice(5, 16);   

Pass the timestamp.seconds into this function then slice it according to your needs to get a string of text with date and time.timestamp.seconds传递给此函数,然后根据您的需要对其进行切片,以获得带有日期和时间的文本字符串。

You can use the dayjs library to convert firebase firestore timestamp seconds to your local time.您可以使用dayjs库将 Firebase Firestore 时间戳秒转换为您的本地时间。

newDate =  dayjs.unix(date.seconds).$d;

It will take这将需要

date: { 
    seconds: 1639506600, 
    nanoseconds: 0 

and convert it to并将其转换为

Date Sat Nov 16 2019 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

Normally using any type (ie loginDate:any) and toDate() worked without problem in my all projects.通常使用任何类型(即 loginDate:any)和 toDate() 在我的所有项目中都没有问题。 But in my last project it didn't.但在我的上一个项目中没有。 I saw seconds in Timestamp object is _seconds anymore (Firebase 8.6.8).我看到 Timestamp 对象中的秒数不再是_seconds (Firebase 8.6.8)。 This type of change may have affected it.这种类型的变化可能已经影响了它。 I don't know but i had no time so i used an alternative solution.我不知道,但我没有时间,所以我使用了替代解决方案。 A custom pipe.自定义管道。 It can be used as an alternative:它可以用作替代方案:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
import { formatDate } from '@angular/common';

  name: 'timestamp'
export class TimestampPipe implements PipeTransform {

  transform(value: any, format?: string) {

    if (!value) { return ''; }
    if (!format) { format = 'dd MMM  yy'; }

    return formatDate(value._seconds * 1000, format, 'tr');


{{ item.endDate | timestamp}}

PS Type is not important with this pipe. PS 类型对于此管道并不重要。 Worked with loginDate:any or loginDate:Date well.使用 loginDate:any 或 loginDate:Date 很好。

to store timestamp into firestore:将时间戳存储到 Firestore 中:

import * as firebaseAdmin from "firebase-admin";

const created = firebaseAdmin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp();

// type
created: FirebaseFirestore.Timestamp | FirebaseFirestore.FieldValue | undefined;

To read back as a js Date objectjs Date对象的形式回读

const createDate = (created as FirebaseFirestore.Timestamp).toDate();

To read back as RFC3339 string作为RFC3339字符串回读

const createDate = (created as FirebaseFirestore.Timestamp).toDate().toISOString();

Web Firestore Timestamp: Web Firestore 时间戳:

function dateToFirestoreTimestamp(dateString = ''){
        var timestampDate = new Date();     // this will return current date-time
        if(dateString != ''){
            // this will return timestamp according to provided date-time
            dateString = dateString.replace(' ', 'T');
            timestampDate = new Date(dateString);
        timestampDate = firebase.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(timestampDate);
        return timestampDate;

This is by far the most elegant, precise and easiest way to convert a firebase-timestamp to a date (no dependenceis etc. needed)这是迄今为止将firebase时间戳转换为日期的最优雅,最精确和最简单的方法(不需要依赖等)

const date = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(
    'de-De', { 
           year: 'numeric', 
           month: 'numeric', 
           day: 'numeric', 
           hour: 'numeric', 
           minute: 'numeric' 

Here is a cheatsheet with all necesarry parameters这是一个包含所有必要参数的备忘单

this is the different thing between firestore timestamp and Javascript Date() object .这是firestore timestampJavascript Date() object之间的不同之处。 if you want to use javascript Date() object from firestore timestamp, this is what I do:如果你想使用 firestore 时间戳中的 javascript Date() 对象,这就是我所做的:

const foo = new Date(firestoreTimestamp.toDate());

then you can use the javascript Date() object, as usual.然后你可以像往常一样使用javascript Date() 对象。 here are some references:这里有一些参考:

https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_obj_date.asp https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_obj_date.asp

For example, we want to retrieve the date from the Date() object with string format:例如,我们想从 Date() 对象中以字符串格式检索日期:

const foo = new Date(firestoreTimestamp.toDate());


To help those still looking around for an answer to convert Firestore Date to JS Date to display in the web app.为了帮助那些仍在寻找将 Firestore 日期转换为 JS 日期以在 Web 应用程序中显示的答案的人。 Here goes an example using typescript...这是一个使用打字稿的例子......

import {
} from "firebase/firestore";

interface IStuff {
  createdAt: Timestamp;

const insertStuff = async (text: string) => {
    await addDoc(collection(db, "coolstuff"), {
      createdAt: serverTimestamp(),


// OR


Extending Waleed Tariq answer, to get a more readable string:扩展 Waleed Tariq 答案,以获得更具可读性的字符串:

 function formatDate(date) { const formatDate = new Date( date.seconds * 1000 + date.nanoseconds / 1000000 ); return formatDate.toLocaleTimeString('en-us', { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }); } const timeStamp = {nanoseconds: 184000000, seconds: 1664826910}; console.log(formatDate(timeStamp))

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