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如何将 Firestore 日期/时间戳转换为 Kotlin 中的日期?

[英]How do I convert a Firestore date/Timestamp to Date in Kotlin?

i'm working with firestore, and getting stuck when i get the timestamp from firestore.我正在使用 firestore,当我从 firestore 获取时间戳时卡住了。 how i convert this Timestamp(seconds=1556006384, nanoseconds=994000000) to Date in kotlin.我如何将此Timestamp(seconds=1556006384, nanoseconds=994000000)转换为科特林中的日期。

my minimum SDK is 21 so the code below doesn't work我的最小 SDK 是 21,所以下面的代码不起作用

val timestamp = it["time"] as com.google.firebase.Timestamp
val milliseconds = timestamp.seconds * 1000 + timestamp.nanoseconds / 1000000
val tz = ZoneId.of("Asia/Jakarta (UTC+07:00)")
val localDateTime = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(milliseconds), tz)

thank you.谢谢你。

Call toDate() on a Firestore Timestamp object to return a Date object.在 Firestore Timestamp对象上调用toDate()以返回 Date 对象。

I'm using this code:我正在使用这段代码:

val timestamp = it["time"] as com.google.firebase.Timestamp
val milliseconds = timestamp.seconds * 1000 + timestamp.nanoseconds / 1000000
val sdf = SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy")
val netDate = Date(milliseconds)
val date = sdf.format(netDate).toString()
Log.d("TAG170", date)

Combined both answers on top and this is what worked for me.结合上面的两个答案,这对我有用。

val timestamp = data[TIMESTAMP] as com.google.firebase.Timestamp
            val date = timestamp.toDate()

I used this class to serialize the Timestamp我用这个类来序列化时间戳

import com.google.firebase.Timestamp

data class Article (
var createdAt: Timestamp? = Timestamp.now(),
var title: String = "",
var image: String = ""

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