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[英]Python - __init__ submodule using parent package

I have a package structure as: 我有一个包结构为:


In the parent __init__.py I have: 在父级__init__.py我有:

from __future__ import division

print(3/2) # 1.5

However, when I tried to reuse the import in its child, division does not take effect. 但是,当我尝试在其子级中重用导入时,划分不会生效。 In module's __init__.py : 在模块的__init__.py

from parent_package.__init__ import division

print(3/2) # 1!

You are misunderstanding how the __future__ module works. 您误会了__future__模块的工作方式。 __future__ is a special module that is built into the python interpreter and changes how the interpreter parses and/or executes your code. __future__是一个特殊的模块,内置在python解释器中, __future__解释器解析和/或执行代码的方式。 In order for a __future__ import to have the desired effect, it must be of the form 为了使__future__导入具有所需的效果,它的形式必须

from __future__ import <feature>

(See PEP 236 for the exact specification.) (有关具体规格,请参见PEP236 。)

However, in addition to the __future__ module that's built into the interpreter, __future__ is also a real module in the standard library ! 然而,除了__future__是内置于解释模块, __future__ 也是 在标准库中一个真正的模块 The import from __future__ import divison actually does two things: It enables the new division behavior, and it imports the feature specification from the real __future__ module. from __future__ import divison实际上有两件事:启用新的除法行为, 从实际的__future__模块导入特征规范。 This is what you'll see if you take a look at the value of division after the import: 如果您查看导入后的division值,将看到以下内容:

>>> from __future__ import division
>>> division
_Feature((2, 2, 0, 'alpha', 2), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0), 8192)

When you do from parent_package.__init__ import division , you're simply importing this variable. from parent_package.__init__ import division ,您只是在导入此变量。 But you're not enabling the new division behavior. 但是您没有启用新的部门行为。

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