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用字符串 Python 替换列表中的整数

[英]Replace integers in a list with a string Python

I am working on a coding assignment in Python and I am struggling to understand why my code is not working.我正在使用 Python 进行编码作业,我正在努力理解为什么我的代码不起作用。

Write a function in Python called "BooHoo" which takes in an integer, n, and stores all integers from 1 to n in a list.用 Python 编写一个名为“BooHoo”的函数,它接受一个整数 n,并将从 1 到 n 的所有整数存储在一个列表中。 However, if an integer in the list is divisible by 3, the list should instead contain "Boo".但是,如果列表中的整数可被 3 整除,则该列表应改为包含“Boo”。 If the integer is divisible by 5 the list should instead contain "Hoo".如果整数可被 5 整除,则列表应改为包含“Hoo”。 If the integer is divisible by both 3 and 5, the list should instead contain "BooHoo".如果整数可被 3 和 5 整除,则列表应改为包含“BooHoo”。

def BooHoo(n):
A function which returns a list of integers, and replaces integers divisible by 3 with "Boo" and integers
divisible by 5 with "Hoo" and integers divisible by 3 and 5 with "BooHoo"

n: an integer


final_list: a Python list


main_list = []
for x in range(n):

for idx, j in enumerate(main_list):
    if not (idx % 3) and not (idx % 5):
        main_list.insert(idx, 'BooHoo')
    elif not (idx % 3):
            main_list.insert(idx, 'Boo')
    elif not (idx % 5):
            main_list.insert(idx, 'Hoo')

final_list = [main_list]

return final_list

There were some logical errors regarding the index and actual elements of the list.关于列表的索引和实际元素存在一些逻辑错误。 I have highlighted the modified/added lines by a comment # .我通过注释#突出显示了修改/添加的行。 Mainly, you needed to replace idx by j because idx was an index but j was an actual element.主要是,您需要用j替换idx ,因为idx是一个索引,而j是一个实际元素。 If you start by range(n) , it doesn't matter because the index is the same as j .如果您从range(n) ,则没有关系,因为索引与j相同。 But since you mentioned in your question, you want to store numbers from 1 up to n , you need to use range(1, n+1)但是由于您在问题中提到,您想存储从1n数字,您需要使用range(1, n+1)

def BooHoo(n):
    main_list = []
    for x in range(1,n+1): # replaced range(n) to start from 1

    for idx, j in enumerate(main_list):
        if not (j % 3) and not (j % 5): # replaced idx by j
            main_list.insert(idx, 'BooHoo')
        elif not (j % 3): # replaced idx by j
                main_list.insert(idx, 'Boo')
        elif not (j % 5): # replaced idx by j
                main_list.insert(idx, 'Hoo')

    return main_list # Removed unnecessary second list

# Call the function
print (BooHoo(15))


[1, 2, 'Boo', 4, 'Hoo', 'Boo', 7, 8, 'Boo', 'Hoo', 11, 'Boo', 13, 14, 'BooHoo']

A better way to solve your problem is to construct the right list from the start (with a loop or list comprehension) than to modify a sequential list of numbers.解决问题的更好方法是从一开始(使用循环或列表推导式)构建正确的列表,而不是修改数字的顺序列表。

def BooHoo(n):
    return ['BooHoo' if not (i % 5 or i % 3) else 
               'Hoo' if not i % 5 else 
               'Boo' if not i % 3 else 
                   i for i in range(1,n+1)]

And, more for the sake of fun than usefulness, a dictionary-based solution:而且,更多的是为了好玩而不是有用,一个基于字典的解决方案:

def BooHoo(n):
    words = {(1,1): 'BooHoo', (1,0): 'Boo', (0,1): 'Hoo'}
    return [words.get((i % 3 == 0, i % 5 == 0), i) for i in range(1, n+1)]

Why go through all that trouble of appending and popping so much, thats not necessary为什么要经历这么多附加和弹出的麻烦,那没有必要

def BooHoo(n):

    for index, item in enumerate(list(range(1, (n+1))):
        if not item % 5 and not item % 3:
            lista[index] = "BooHoo"
        elif not item % 3:
            lista[index] = "Boo"
        elif not item % 5:
            lista[index] = "Hoo"

    return lista 



(xenial)vash@localhost:~/python/stack_overflow$ python3.7 boohoo.py [1, 2, 'Boo', 4, 'Hoo', 'Boo', 7, 8, 'Boo', 'Hoo', 11, 'Boo', 13, 14, 'BooHoo', 16, 17, 'Boo', 19, 'Hoo', 'Boo', 22, 23, 'Boo', 'Hoo']

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