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[英]Remove special characters from input field

I've been searching everywhere but have been unable to find exactly what I am looking for. 我一直在寻找,但一直无法找到我想要的东西。

I have an html form that is filled out with Mac addresses from our inventory so the strings inputted into the input field will look like: 我有一个html表单,其中填写了我们库存中的Mac地址,因此输入到输入字段的字符串将如下所示:

A1:A2:A3:A4:A5:A6 A1:A2:A3:A4:A5:A6

I'm trying to write a script to remove the : character plus any spaces anywhere. 我正在尝试编写一个脚本来删除:字符以及任何地方的任何空格。 That way when it is entered the output will be: 这样输入输出时将是:

A1A2A3A4A5A6 A1A2A3A4A5A6

This is what I have so far: 这是我到目前为止:

<input type="text" id="macaddress" onChange="removeChar();WriteLog();" />

Then in my script I have: 然后在我的脚本中我有:

function removeChar() {
  var a = document.getElementById("macaddress").value;
  a = a.replace(/: /g, '');
  document.getElementById.innerHTML = a;

I don't get any JavaScript errors with this but nothing happens. 我没有得到任何JavaScript错误但没有任何反应。

I also have another script that pulls the value of the field into a work log which is the other function WriteLog() . 我还有另一个脚本将字段的值拉入工作日志,这是另一个函数WriteLog()

Essentially I want to remove the : then have the new value pulled into the log by the second function. 基本上我想删除:然后通过第二个函数将新值拉入日志。

Question spec says you want to remove : and : with space. 问题规范说你要删除::空格。 Make the space in the regex optional: 使正则表达式中的空格可选:

a = a.replace(/:( )?/g, '');

But you also need to account for preceeding spaces: 但是你还需要考虑前面的空格:

a = a.replace(/( )?:( )?/g, '');

I would also trim the initial string (Just good practice) 我也会修剪初始字符串(Just good practice)

a = a.trim().replace(/( )?:( )?/g, '');

Finally, I am not sure what this line does: document.getElementById.innerHTML = a; 最后,我不确定这行是做什么的: document.getElementById.innerHTML = a; , but that line will throw an error. ,但该行将引发错误。 Remove it. 去掉它。

If you want to keep only numbers and letts you can use this 如果你只想保留数字和字母,你可以使用它

a.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '');

which basically replaces everything that isn't az or AZ or 0-9 with an empty string. 它基本上用空字符串替换不是az或AZ或0-9的所有内容。

A great tool for explaining regex and testing it is Regex101 Regex101是解释正则表达式和测试它的一个很好的工具

And this line document.getElementById.innerHTML = a; 而这行document.getElementById.innerHTML = a; should be fixed as well, you probably meant something like document.getElementById('some-elements-id').innerHTML = a; 也应该修复,你可能意味着像document.getElementById('some-elements-id').innerHTML = a;


str = str.replace(/[:\s]/g, '');


<input type="text" id="macaddress"/>
<button onclick="removeChar()">Click me!</button>


function removeChar() {
    var a = document.getElementById("macaddress").value.trim();
    a = a.split('');
    a.forEach(function (character, index) {
        if (character === ':') {
            a.splice(index, 1);
    a = a.join('');
    document.getElementById("macaddress").value  = a;

Your Regex searches for "colon immediately followed by space". 你的正则表达式搜索“冒号紧接着空格”。

If you add a pipe in between them: /:| / 如果在它们之间添加管道/:| / /:| / , then it will search for all colons and/or spaces, in any order. /:| / ,然后它将以任何顺序搜索所有冒号和/或空格。

Demo: 演示:

 function removeChar() { var a = document.getElementById("macaddress").value; a = a.replace(/:| /g, ''); document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = a; } 
 <input type="text" id="macaddress" onChange="removeChar();" /> <div id="result"></div> 

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