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[英]UWP app-installer auto update only updates once

I am generating my app through Visual Studio 2017 15.7.6, uploading it to Azure along with the appinstaller file etc. Lets say version It is set to update every time the app opens 我正在通过Visual Studio 2017 15.7.6生成我的应用程序,并将其与appinstaller文件等一起上传到Azure。可以说是0.1.11.0版。它设置为在每次打开应用程序时更新

    <OnLaunch HoursBetweenUpdateChecks="0" />

I then install via the web on a Win 10 machine running 1803 (17134.285). 然后,我通过Web在运行1803(17134.285)的Win 10计算机上进行安装。

I then create a new apppackage with version 然后,我使用版本0.1.12.0创建一个新的应用程序包。

I upload this to Azure and open the app on the target machine - it updates correctly. 我将此上传到Azure并在目标计算机上打开应用程序-它可以正确更新。 There are lots of logs under Microsoft/Windows/AppXDeployment-Server/Operational Microsoft / Windows / AppXDeployment-Server / Operational下有很多日志

Deployment Register operation with target volume C: on Package MyApp_0.1.12.0_x86__8m1jne1se2ktw from: (AppxBundleManifest.xml) finished successfully. 来自(AppxBundleManifest.xml)的MyApp_0.1.12.0_x86__8m1jne1se2ktw软件包上的目标卷C:的部署注册操作已成功完成。

I then create another apppackage - upload it to Azure. 然后,我创建另一个apppackage将其上传到Azure。 I go back to the target machine but it will not update. 我回到目标计算机,但不会更新。 There is nothing in the event log. 事件日志中没有任何内容。

I move my system clock 24 hours. 我将系统时钟调成24小时。 In the event log it shows checks being run for other apps (Netflix) but not my app. 在事件日志中,它显示正在为其他应用程序(Netflix)运行检查,但未显示我的应用程序。

If I install the latest version ( from the web and then again upload a new version it again updates. 如果我从网上安装了最新版本(,然后再次上传新版本0.1.14.0,它将再次更新。 But it won't update the next version. 但是它不会更新下一个版本。

So it's only updating once. 因此,它仅更新一次。

Someone else describes what looks like a very similar problem from a few months ago: UWP app-installer auto update not working correctly 其他人描述了几个月前看起来非常相似的问题: UWP应用程序安装程序自动更新无法正常工作

UPDATE : I have now tested this with a basic app that simply displays the app version on the screen. 更新 :我现在已经用一个基本的应用程序对此进行了测试,该应用程序仅在屏幕上显示该应用程序的版本。 I created 5 x app packages and uploaded them to the server. 我创建了5个应用程序包,并将它们上传到服务器。

Version - installed from web 版本1.0.0.0-从Web安装

Version - auto updated (Changed appinstaller and index.html to point to new version each time) 版本1.0.1.0-自动更新(更改的appinstaller和index.html每次都指向新版本)

Version - would not auto update. 版本1.0.2.0-无法自动更新。 I updated via server. 我通过服务器更新。

Version - auto updated 版本1.0.3.0-自动更新

Version - would not auto update 版本1.0.4.0-无法自动更新

I have tested this now on 2 x different machines both on 1803 (17134.285). 我现在在1803(17134.285)的2台不同机器上对此进行了测试。 This auto updating must be working for others out there?? 此自动更新必须对其他人有用吗??

UPDATE: Microsoft have confirmed to me on the MSDN forums that this is a known issue. 更新:微软已经在MSDN论坛上向我确认这是一个已知问题。 No time scale on a fix yet. 尚无时间解决。

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