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如何在不首先使用 .appinstaller 文件安装的情况下自动更新旁加载 UWP 应用程序

[英]How to auto-update a sideload UWP app without first installing with .appinstaller file

I have a UWP app that is distributed via sideload (not through the Store) for various reasons.我有一个 UWP 应用程序,由于各种原因通过旁加载(而不是通过商店)分发。 This app has auto-updating enabled, and thus has a .appinstaller file (and associated app packages and dependencies) hosted on the web.此应用程序启用了自动更新,因此在网络上托管了一个 .appinstaller 文件(以及相关的应用程序包和依赖项)。 If I install via the ms-appinstaller protocol, or by downloading and running the .appinstaller file, automatic updates work fine.如果我通过ms-appinstaller协议安装,或者通过下载并运行 .appinstaller 文件,自动更新工作正常。

However, installing via the .appx does not allow the app to automatically update.但是,通过 .appx 安装不允许应用程序自动更新。 This is a scenario because there are cases where I need to provision the app (via Add-AppxProvisionedPackage ) so that it installs for any new users on a given device.这是一个场景,因为在某些情况下,我需要配置应用程序(通过Add-AppxProvisionedPackage ),以便为给定设备上的任何新用户安装它。 Since Add-AppxProvisionedPackage doesn't seem to support .appinstaller files, and it doesn't seem like installing from the .appx package itself allows for auto-updating, how am I able to provision an app and still allow it to auto-update?由于Add-AppxProvisionedPackage似乎不支持 .appinstaller 文件,而且从 .appx 包本身安装似乎不允许自动更新,我如何能够配置应用程序并仍然允许它自动更新?

A related question is: What causes an app to check with some appinstaller file on the web for updates?一个相关的问题是:是什么导致应用程序检查网络上的某些应用程序安装程序文件以获取更新? Is that something that is baked into the app?这是应用程序中嵌入的东西吗? Something written to the registry?写到注册表的东西? Where does the information live that causes an app to check for updates?导致应用程序检查更新的信息在哪里?

However, installing via the .appx does not allow the app to automatically update.但是,通过 .appx 安装不允许应用程序自动更新。

This is expected.这是预期的。 The auto-update functionality is available only when you install the application using the .appinstaller file, not when installing the APPX or MSIX directly.自动更新功能仅在您使用.appinstaller文件安装应用程序时可用,而不是在直接安装 APPX 或 MSIX 时可用。

From the docs :文档

" You must share with your users the App Installer file, instead of the actual app container... " 必须与您的用户共享应用安装程序文件,而不是实际的应用容器...

Where does the information live that causes an app to check for updates?导致应用程序检查更新的信息在哪里?

In the installed package.在安装的包中。 There are some APIs available to retrieve information about apps with an App Installer association.有一些API可用于检索有关具有应用安装程序关联的应用的信息。

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