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侧面加载的 UWP 应用程序的 Appinstaller 问题

[英]Appinstaller issue with side loaded UWP application

I have an UWP application which has been used now for quite some time without any issue on all sort of devices.我有一个 UWP 应用程序,现在已经使用了很长一段时间,在各种设备上都没有任何问题。 The .appinstaller and packaging is side loaded and hosted on a blob storage in azure, and signed with a valid certificate. .appinstaller和打包被侧加载并托管在 azure 的 blob 存储中,并使用有效证书进行签名。

But since yesterday on some devices (it seems to be laptops, not tablets) I have the following error message in the windows appinstaller which checks if updates are available:但是从昨天开始在某些设备上(它似乎是笔记本电脑,而不是平板电脑)我在 windows appinstaller 中有以下错误消息,它检查是否有可用的更新:

Cannot open app package Failed due to unknown reason. Failed due to unknown reason. Cannot open app package失败。

When I look into the event viewer here is the detailed error message I get:当我查看事件查看器时,我收到详细的错误消息:

Appinstaller operation failed with error code 0x80670001. Detail: Optimistic locking failure. Data cannot be updated if it has changed since it was read.

I've checked and those devices have the minimal OS version required for the app.我已经检查过,这些设备具有应用程序所需的最低操作系统版本。

What is happening is the following: I can install the app on the faulty device, which then run the app without any issue.发生的情况如下:我可以在故障设备上安装应用程序,然后运行应用程序没有任何问题。 But whenever I close and try to open the app again, I get this error message.但是每当我关闭并尝试再次打开应用程序时,我都会收到此错误消息。

Rebooting the machine doesn't change anything, and the same behavior occurs whenever I uninstall and reinstall the app (working then displaying the error on re-launch).重新启动机器不会改变任何东西,每当我卸载并重新安装应用程序时都会发生相同的行为(工作然后在重新启动时显示错误)。

I've even tried to revert to an older release of the UWP app, and the problem also happens while it never occured before.我什至尝试过恢复到旧版本的 UWP 应用程序,但问题也发生了,而它以前从未发生过。

The overall issue seems to have started to appear yesterday, without any changes in our release.总体问题似乎昨天开始出现,我们的版本没有任何变化。

Has anybody encountered this message error and have an idea about how to fix it?有没有人遇到此消息错误并知道如何解决它?

I am facing the same issue.我面临同样的问题。 The only workaround is to start the .appinstaller every time and select 'Launch' instead of 'Reinstall'.唯一的解决方法是每次启动 .appinstaller 并选择“启动”而不是“重新安装”。 Starting from the 'Start Menu' or 'Taskbar' does not work, as described.如上所述,从“开始菜单”或“任务栏”启动不起作用。

Had the exact same issue starting at the exact same time but it seems to have sorted itself out now.在完全相同的时间开始出现完全相同的问题,但现在似乎已经解决了。

--- Wonder if UWP apps needed to go off to some Microsoft server each time they were booted for some reason and there was a server issue. --- 想知道 UWP 应用程序是否因为某种原因每次启动时都需要转到某个 Microsoft 服务器,并且存在服务器问题。

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