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[英]Identification of new values cumulatively by groups in data.table in r

How to create a new column that identifies new value appearance in Letter column cumulatively by groups of unique combs of Year + Month ? 如何创建一个新列,通过Year + Month的唯一梳子组累计标识Letter列中的新值外观?

Data sample. 数据样本。

dt <- data.table(Letter = c(LETTERS[c(5, 1:2, 1:2, 1:4, 3:6)]),
                 Year = 2018,
                 Month = c(rep(5,5), rep(6,4), rep(7,4)))

Print. 打印。

    Letter Year Month
 1:      E 2018     5
 2:      A 2018     5
 3:      B 2018     5
 4:      A 2018     5
 5:      B 2018     5
 6:      A 2018     6
 7:      B 2018     6
 8:      C 2018     6
 9:      D 2018     6
10:      C 2018     7
11:      D 2018     7
12:      E 2018     7
13:      F 2018     7

Result I'm trying to get: 结果我试图得到:

    Letter Year Month   New
 1:      E 2018     5  TRUE
 2:      A 2018     5  TRUE
 3:      B 2018     5  TRUE
 4:      A 2018     5  TRUE
 5:      B 2018     5  TRUE
 6:      A 2018     6 FALSE
 7:      B 2018     6 FALSE
 8:      C 2018     6  TRUE
 9:      D 2018     6  TRUE
10:      C 2018     7 FALSE
11:      D 2018     7 FALSE
12:      E 2018     7 FALSE
13:      F 2018     7  TRUE

Detailed Question: 详细问题:

  1. Group1 ("E", "A", "B", "A", "B") all TRUE by default as nothing to compare with. 默认情况下,Group1(“E”,“A”,“B”,“A”,“B”)都为TRUE,无法与之比较。
  2. Which of the letters in group2 ("A", "B", "C", "D") is not duplicated in group1. group1中的哪个字母(“A”,“B”,“C”,“D”)在group1中不重复。
  3. Then, which of letters in group3 ("C", "D", "E", "F") in not duplicated in both groups 1&2 ("E", "A", "B", "A", "B", "A", "B", "C", "D"). 然后,group3中的哪个字母(“C”,“D”,“E”,“F”)在第1组和第2组(“E”,“A”,“B”,“A”,“B”中不重复“, “A B C D”)。

Initialize to FALSE; 初始化为FALSE; then join to first Year-Month with each Letter and update to TRUE: 然后加入每个字母的第一个年月,并更新为TRUE:

dt[, v := FALSE]
dt[unique(dt, by="Letter"), on=.(Letter, Year, Month), v := TRUE][]

    Letter Year Month     v
 1:      E 2018     5  TRUE
 2:      A 2018     5  TRUE
 3:      B 2018     5  TRUE
 4:      A 2018     5  TRUE
 5:      B 2018     5  TRUE
 6:      A 2018     6 FALSE
 7:      B 2018     6 FALSE
 8:      C 2018     6  TRUE
 9:      D 2018     6  TRUE
10:      C 2018     7 FALSE
11:      D 2018     7 FALSE
12:      E 2018     7 FALSE
13:      F 2018     7  TRUE

Simply: 只是:

 # dt[,new := ifelse(Letter %in% dt$Letter[dt$Month<Month],F,T), by="Month"][]

 #   Letter Year Month   new
 #1:      E 2018     5  TRUE
 #2:      A 2018     5  TRUE
 #3:      B 2018     5  TRUE
 #4:      A 2018     5  TRUE
 #5:      B 2018     5  TRUE
 #6:      A 2018     6 FALSE
 #7:      B 2018     6 FALSE
 #8:      C 2018     6  TRUE
 #9:      D 2018     6  TRUE
#10:      C 2018     7 FALSE
#11:      D 2018     7 FALSE
#12:      E 2018     7 FALSE
#13:      F 2018     7  TRUE

With very valid comments of David A., a much faster and less verbose version: ( recommended ) 有了David A.的非常有效的评论,一个更快,更简洁的版本:( 推荐

dt[, new := !(Letter %in% dt$Letter[dt$Month<Month]), by=Month][]

Another possible approach: 另一种可行方法:

dupes <- c()
dt[, New := {
    x <- !Letter %chin% dupes
    dupes <- c(dupes, unique(Letter[x]))
}, by=.(Year, Month)]

Some timings for reference below: 一些时间供以下参考:

if Letter is an integer: 如果Letter是整数:

microbenchmark(mtd0=dt0[, New := !(Letter %in% dt0$Letter[dt0$Month<Month]), by=Month],
        dt1[, v := FALSE]
        dt1[unique(dt1, by="Letter"), on=.(Letter, Year, Month), v := TRUE]
        dupes <- c()
        dt2[, New := {
            x <- !Letter %in% dupes
            dupes <- c(dupes, unique(Letter[x]))
        }, by=.(Year, Month)]        

integer timing output: 整数时序输出:

Unit: milliseconds
 expr       min       lq      mean    median        uq      max neval
 mtd0 1293.3100 1318.775 1331.7129 1344.2398 1350.9143 1357.589     3
 mtd1  377.1534  391.178  402.4423  405.2026  415.0868  424.971     3
 mtd2 2015.2115 2020.926 2023.7209 2026.6400 2027.9756 2029.311     3

if Letter is a character: 如果Letter是一个字符:

microbenchmark(mtd0=dt0[, New := !(Letter %chin% dt0$Letter[dt0$Month<Month]), by=Month],
        dt1[, v := FALSE]
        dt1[unique(dt1, by="Letter"), on=.(Letter, Year, Month), v := TRUE]
        dupes <- c()
        dt2[, New := {
            x <- !Letter %chin% dupes
            dupes <- c(dupes, unique(Letter[x]))
        }, by=.(Year, Month)]        

timing output: 定时输出:

Unit: milliseconds
 expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
 mtd0 1658.5806 1689.8941 1765.9329 1721.2076 1819.6090 1918.0105     3
 mtd1  849.2361  851.1807  852.8632  853.1253  854.6768  856.2283     3
 mtd2  420.1013  426.0941  433.9202  432.0869  440.8296  449.5723     3

check: 校验:

> identical(dt2$New, dt1$v)
[1] TRUE
> identical(dt0$New, dt1$v)

data: 数据:

nr <- 1e7
dt <- unique(data.table(Letter=sample(nr/1e2, nr, replace=TRUE),
    Year=sample(2014:2018, nr, replace=TRUE),
    Month=sample(1:12, nr, replace=TRUE)))
setorder(dt, Year, Month)#[, Letter := as.character(Letter)]
dt0 <- copy(dt)
dt1 <- copy(dt)
dt2 <- copy(dt)

#for seed=0L, dt has about 4.8mio rows

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