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IBM Watson Chatbot Intent与实体

[英]Ibm Watson chatbot intent vs entities

For ibm chatbot can I tell chatbot that a word in a conversation is a entity or do I have to make it an intent. 对于ibm chatbot,我可以告诉chatbot对话中的单词是一个实体还是我必须将其作为意图。 For example What are your interests? 例如,您的兴趣是什么? Question Sports answer 问题体育答案

Can I add sports as a entity right from the menu? 我可以直接从菜单中将体育运动添加为实体吗?

I would recommend you to make interests an entity , because it makes more sense. 我建议您将利益变成一个实体 ,因为这更有意义。


This quote from IBM developer blog talks about the use case for entities : IBM开发人员博客中的这句话引述了实体的用例:

In some scenarios, it makes sense to define the entities of interest in your Conversation workspace; 在某些情况下,在“对话”工作空间中定义感兴趣的实体是有意义的。 for example, when defining a “toppings” entity for a pizza ordering bot. 例如,在为比萨饼订购机器人定义“浇头”实体时。 However, in other scenarios, it is impractical to define all possible variations for an entity and it is best to rely on a service to extract the entity; 但是,在其他情况下,为实体定义所有可能的变体是不切实际的,并且最好依靠服务来提取实体。 for example, when extracting a “city” entity for a weather bot. 例如,为气象机器人提取“城市”实体时。

Also, How to build a Chatbot with Watson Assistant (free chatbot course) is a great beginner course. 另外, 如何使用Watson Assistant构建聊天机器人(免费的聊天机器人课程)也是不错的入门课程。

Entities by themselves will work if you know what the person is going respond with, and doesn't deviate much. 如果您知道对方将要响应的内容,并且偏差不大,则实体本身将起作用。

Where you don't know, but you know the structure in how they ask then you can use contextual entities. 在您不知道的地方,但是您知道他们如何询问的结构,然后可以使用上下文实体。

The last option is to shape your message to the end user to change their behavior. 最后一个选择是向最终用户调整您的消息以改变他们的行为。

For example "What are you interests" is very broad. 例如,“您的兴趣”非常广泛。 Two examples: 两个例子:

  • "Do you like to play sports?" “你喜欢运动吗?” = Gives a yes/no answer, which you can drill down on. =给出是/否答案,您可以深入了解。
  • 'What kind of sports do you like?" = Allows you to make a narrow entity to catch the answer. “您喜欢哪种运动?” =允许您创建一个狭窄的实体来寻找答案。

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