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聊天机器人 IBM WATSON 在 MSN 中获取 facebook 名称

[英]Chatbot IBM WATSON Get facebook name in MSN

I had been trying to get the names automaticaly, but it didnt seems to work, so I'm asking the ussers for their names and putting it as a variable.我一直在尝试自动获取名称,但它似乎不起作用,所以我向用户询问他们的名称并将其作为变量。 Is there a way to make the chatbot get the name when the conversation starts?有没有办法让聊天机器人在对话开始时得到名字? 在此处输入图像描述

As detailed in the Watson Assistant documentation, sys-person has been deprecated as of 2020. See this posting.如 Watson Assistant 文档中所述,sys-person 自 2020 年起已被弃用。 请参阅此帖子。 The suggestion as detailed in the Blog " Detecting Names And Locations With Watson Assistant" is to use Contextual Entities.博客“ 使用 Watson Assistant 检测名称和位置”中详细介绍的建议是使用上下文实体。

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