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[英]oracle distinct with listagg

I have a table. 我有桌子 I can show all the data of a colomn in my table using ',' in the same line. 我可以在同一行中使用“,”显示表中列的所有数据。 but I can't apply it distinctly. 但我不能明确地应用它。 hepl please 请帮忙

This is tricky. 这很棘手。 One simple suggestion is to use select distinct : 一个简单的建议是使用select distinct

select listagg(col, ',') within group (order by col)
from (select distinct col from t) x;

However, that makes it difficult to calculate other aggregations (or to generate more than on listagg() result). 但是,这使得难以计算其他聚合(或生成比listagg()结果更多的聚合)。 Another way is to use window functions in combination with listagg() : 另一种方法是将窗口函数与listagg()结合使用:

select listagg(case when seqnum = 1 then col end, ',') within group (order by col)
from (select t.*,
             row_number() over (partition by col order by col) as seqnum
      from t
     ) t

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