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c#访问列表中的类方法 <List<T> &gt;

[英]c# accessing class methods in List<List<T>>

I have a class that I wish to embed in a jagged list. 我有一类希望嵌入锯齿状列表中的课程。 I have created the list as List<T>[] but have been unable to insert or extract data from the list. 我已将列表创建为List<T>[]但是无法从列表中插入或提取数据。

In the code below, the line 在下面的代码行中

jaggedList[2].AddSomething("this is a string"); 

generates an error: 产生错误:

"Error CS1061 'List' does not contain a definition for 'AddSomething' and no extension method 'AddSomething' accepting a first argument of type 'List' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) “错误CS1061'列表'不包含'AddSomething'的定义,并且找不到找到接受类型为'List'的第一个参数的扩展方法'AddSomething'(您是否缺少using指令或程序集引用?)

The line 线


produces a similar error message. 产生类似的错误消息。

There is also a problem with the otheFunctions(ref jaggedList[i], i); otheFunctions(ref jaggedList[i], i);还有一个问题otheFunctions(ref jaggedList[i], i); line and the compiler error is: 行,编译器错误为:

CS1503 Argument 1: cannot convert from 'ref System.Collections.Generic.List' to 'ref ListList.MyList' CS1503参数1:无法从“ ref System.Collections.Generic.List”转换为“ ref ListList.MyList”

but isn't List what jaggesList[I] is? 但不是列出jaggesList [I]是什么吗? I suspect that this is my problem but don't understand what exactly it is. 我怀疑这是我的问题,但不知道到底是什么。

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int dynamicallyEstablishedLength = 0;

        dynamicallyEstablishedLength = 4;
        List<MyList>[] jaggedList = new List<MyList>[dynamicallyEstablishedLength];

        for (int i = 0; i < jaggedList.Length; i++)
            jaggedList[i] = new List<MyList>(); //allocate space for each element

        jaggedList[2].AddSomething("this is a string");

        for (int i = 0; i < jaggedList.Length; i++)
            otheFunctions(ref jaggedList[i], i);

        for (int i = 0; i < jaggedList.Length; i++)

    void otheFunctions(ref MyList list, int i)
        list.AddSomething("this is string" + i.ToString());

public class MyList
    private List<string> list;

    public MyList()
        list = new List<string>();

    public void AddSomething(string line, int trace = 0)
        //do some processing on line

    public void Finish()
        foreach (string s in list)

the error is clear, because the instance List<MyList>[] jaggedList = new List<MyList>... is of type List<> not type MyList . 该错误很明显,因为实例List<MyList>[] jaggedList = new List<MyList>...的类型为List<>而不是MyList so few ways to solve this, ie, create an extension method on the type List<> : 解决这种问题的方法很少,即在类型List<>上创建扩展方法:

public static class ListExtensionMethods

    static public void AddSomething<T>(this List<T> list, string line, int trace = 0)
        //do some processing on line

    static public void Finish<T>(this List<T> list)


or, use the type MyList instead of List<> : 或者,使用类型MyList代替List<>

MyList[] jaggedList = new MyList[100];

the second error, is a result of the first error. 第二个错误是第一个错误的结果。 please search c# extension methods for more info. 请搜索c#扩展方法以获取更多信息。

You need to understand that in this line jaggedList[2].AddSomething("this is a string"); 您需要了解这一行jaggedList[2].AddSomething("this is a string"); , jaggedList[2] is a List and you cannot access the methods of MyList directly from it. ,jaggedList [2]是一个列表,您不能直接从其中访问MyList的方法。 You can however try something like jaggedList[2][1].AddSomething("this is a string"); 但是,您可以尝试类似jaggedList[2][1].AddSomething("this is a string");

mad.meesh had the answer. mad.meesh得到了答案。 Changing the code to 将代码更改为

MyList[] jaggedList = new MyList[dynamicallyEstablishedLength];
for (int i = 0; i < jaggedList.Length; i++)
    jaggedList[i] = new MyList();

Solved all of my issues. 解决了我所有的问题。 Thanks for all of the comments. 感谢您的所有评论。

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