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如何根据 UIImage 大小调整 UIImageView 的大小并适应屏幕的宽度

[英]How to resize a UIImageView based on UIImage size and fit the screen's width

I have this code snippet:我有这个代码片段:

func resizeImageViewToImageSize(_ imageView:UIImageView) {
        let widthRatio = imageView.bounds.size.width / imageView.image!.size.width
        let heightRatio = imageView.bounds.size.height / imageView.image!.size.height
        let scale = min(widthRatio, heightRatio)
        let imageWidth = scale * imageView.image!.size.width
        let imageHeight = scale * imageView.image!.size.height
        print("\(imageWidth) - \(imageHeight)")

        imageView.frame = CGRect(x: 0,
        y: 70,
        width: imageWidth,
        height: imageHeight)
        imageView.center.x = view.center.x

I call it in viewDidLoad() to resize my originalImageView UIImageView:我在viewDidLoad()调用它来调整我originalImageView UIImageView 的大小:


And it successfully resizes my UIImageView, but in case I take a picture from Camera (on iPhone7+, for instance), my imageWidth and imageHeight are: 226.4 - 283.0 , which make my UIImageView very small in the center of the screen, as shown below:它成功地调整了我的 UIImageView 的大小,但如果我从相机(例如在 iPhone7+ 上)拍摄照片,我的 imageWidth 和 imageHeight 是: 226.4 - 283.0 ,这使得我的 UIImageView 在屏幕中央非常小,如下所示:


What I would like to do is to have my originalImageView to be larger in width and keep its scale ratio accordingly, like the mockup below, is that possible?我想要做的是让我的originalImageView宽度更大,并相应地保持其缩放比例,如下面的模型,这可能吗?


I think the problem arises when the value of imageView.image!.size.width is larger than imageView.bounds.size.width or for the height values. 我认为当值的问题出现imageView.image!.size.width大于imageView.bounds.size.width或高度值。

This will result in widthRatio or heightRatio to a value less than 1. 这将导致widthRatioheightRatio的值小于1。

And when your scale is < 1, and multiplied to your imageWidth and imageHeight , you'll end up with a smaller UIImageView than the original. scale小于1并乘以imageWidthimageHeight ,最终得到的UIImageView将小于原始图像。

I'm guessing that the resolution of the image taken from a camera as "clear" as an iPhone7 will be high. 我猜想像iPhone7一样,从相机拍摄的图像的分辨率会很高。

You'll have to check which value is higher imageView.bounds.width or imageView.image!.size.width , and then get the reciprocal depending on the condition. 你必须检查其值越高imageView.bounds.widthimageView.image!.size.width ,然后拿到取决于条件的倒数。

 func resizeImageViewToImageSize(_ imageView:UIImageView) {

    let maxWidth = view.frame.size.width
    let maxHeight = view.frame.size.height

        var widthRatio = imageView.bounds.size.width / imageView.image!.size.width

        if widthRatio < 1 {
            widthRatio = 1 / widthRatio

        let heightRatio = imageView.bounds.size.height / imageView.image!.size.height

        if heightRatio < 1 {
            heightRatio = 1 / widthRatio

        let scale = min(widthRatio, heightRatio)

        let maxWidthRatio = maxWidth / imageView.bounds.size.width
        let maxHeightRatio = maxHeight / imageView.bounds.size.height
        let maxScale = min(maxWidthRatio, maxHeightRatio)

        let properScale = min(scale, maxScale)

        let imageWidth = properScale * imageView.image!.size.width
        let imageHeight = properScale * imageView.image!.size.height
        print("\(imageWidth) - \(imageHeight)")

        imageView.frame = CGRect(x: 0,
        y: 70,
        width: imageWidth,
        height: imageHeight)
        imageView.center.x = view.center.x

You need to set the UIImageView 's width and height to the size you want it to take up on screen and then set the UIImageView 's contentMode to UIView.ContentMode.scaleAspectFit or UIView.ContentMode.scaleAspectFill if you want it to fill the whole view. 您需要将UIImageView的宽度和高度设置为希望它在屏幕上占据的大小,然后将UIImageViewcontentModeUIView.ContentMode.scaleAspectFitUIView.ContentMode.scaleAspectFill ,以使其填充整个屏幕视图。

https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiimageview https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiview/contentmode/scaleaspectfit https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiimageview https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiview/contentmode/scaleaspectfit

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