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[英]Using Structs in C

Hi im building a simple game in c (im new to the language). 您好,我正在用c构建一个简单的游戏(这是该语言的新功能)。 Im using the following structs: 我使用以下结构:

typedef struct
    int adjacent_mines;
    bool revealed;
    bool is_mine;
} Tile;

struct GameState
    Tile tiles[NUM_TILES_X][NUM_TILES_Y];
typedef struct GameState GameState;

Im wondering how to properly call and set the structs? 我想知道如何正确调用和设置结构? I have the following code where i would like to set state of each Tile. 我有以下代码,我想在其中设置每个图块的状态。

void intialize_mines(){
    for (int i =0; i < NUM_TILES_X; i++){
        for (int j =0; j < NUM_TILES_Y; j++){
            tiles[i,j].revealed = false;

But according to my console output i have done this incorrectly. 但是根据我的控制台输出,我做错了。 How would i go about setting this correctly? 我将如何正确设置此设置?

struct GameState just declares a type (just as int is just a type). struct GameState只是声明一个类型(就像int只是一个类型一样)。 You have to create a real struct in memory with GameState foo; 您必须使用GameState foo;在内存中创建一个真正的结构GameState foo; similar to a normal variable ( int foo; ). 与普通变量( int foo; )类似。 And you can not access the contents of a struct without referencing the struct like foo.tiles . 而且,如果不引用foo.tiles之类的结构,就无法访​​问该结构的内容。 tiles on it's own is not known in this scope. 在此范围内不知道tiles

Afterwards you can access the struct with foo.tiles[i][j].revealed . 之后,您可以使用foo.tiles[i][j].revealed访问该结构。

But to have access to this struct in your function you either have to pass it to the function as a pointer or declare the struct in filescope ( also called global). 但是要在您的函数中访问此结构,您必须将其作为指针传递给函数,或者在文件范围(也称为全局)中声明该结构。 I would prefer the first version it is clearer an more function like. 我希望第一个版本的功能更清晰。

Your function would look like this: 您的函数如下所示:

void intialize_mines( GameState *foo){
    for (int i =0; i < NUM_TILES_X; i++){
        for (int j =0; j < NUM_TILES_Y; j++){
            foo->tiles[i][j].revealed = false; // -> is a special operator for pointers to structs. It's the same as (*foo).

the corresponding function call would be: 相应的函数调用为:

GameSate bar;
intialize_mines( GameState &bar);

You should also check how to use multidimensional arrays. 您还应该检查如何使用多维数组。 You declared it correctly with two seperate [] but in your function you use [x,y] which is not correct in C. It would be the same as in the declaration tiles[i][j] 您使用两个单独的[]正确声明了它,但是在函数中使用了[x,y] ,这在C语言中是不正确的。这与声明tiles[i][j]

For a multi-dimensional array like tiles , you have to specify array subscript of each dimension within [] like this: 对于像tiles这样的多维数组,您必须在[]指定每个维度的数组下标,如下所示:

tiles[i][j].revealed = false;

This means that revealed belonging to j th column of i th row of tiles is set to false . 这意味着revealed属于第itilesj列被设置为false

And you will have to define a structure variable of the type GameState before performing any operations on it. 并且,您必须在执行任何操作之前定义GameState类型的结构变量。

GameState initGS;

void intialize_mines(){
    for (int i =0; i < NUM_TILES_X; i++){
        for (int j =0; j < NUM_TILES_Y; j++){
            initGS.tiles[i][j].revealed = false;

You just missed to instantiate a GameState structure. 您只是想实例化GameState结构。

GameState gs;

void initialize_mines() {
    for (int i =0; i < NUM_TILES_X; i++) {
        for (int j =0; j < NUM_TILES_Y; j++) {
            gs.tiles[i][j].revealed = false;

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