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[英]Using structs or multidimensional arrays in C

I want to create a fault log. 我要创建一个故障日志。 The fault log should be able to store the last 10 faults. 故障日志应该能够存储最近的10个故障。

A fault has 3 piece of information: 1. Number of fault. 故障具有3条信息:1.故障数量。 2. Fault name. 2.故障名称。 3. Date time of fault. 3.故障日期时间。

How can i do this using structs? 如何使用结构来做到这一点?

Or should i do it using arrays and if so how? 还是我应该使用数组,如果可以的话?

The fault log is for storage in memory only. 故障日志仅用于存储在内存中。

I assume you want to store it in the memory, then you can use a combination of struct and array. 我假设您要将其存储在内存中,然后可以使用struct和array的组合。

Something like will following will do: 将会执行以下操作:

typedef struct {
    int number;
    char* name; // You can use an array instead char name[MAX_FAULT_NAME_LENGTH]
    int timestamp;
} fault_entry;

fault_entry fault_log[10];

Of course this is hand-waving. 当然,这是费力的。 If you want to store it to a file, you need to serialize. 如果要将其存储到文件中,则需要序列化。 You need to think about what data-type to use for date/time and name. 您需要考虑使用哪种数据类型作为日期/时间和名称。 But it should help you get started. 但这应该可以帮助您入门。

A log usually implies some kind of more permanent storage, which might mean that it should be written to a file. 日志通常意味着某种更永久的存储,这可能意味着应该将其写入文件。 If so, then a structure is not necessarily required. 如果是这样,则不一定需要结构。 It could be implemented as a function that accepts the required information and generates the other information (eg, time/date). 它可以实现为接受所需信息并生成其他信息(例如时间/日期)的功能。

But if it is indeed more of a temporary type of storage, then it could be stored in a simple circular array. 但是,如果确实确实是临时存储类型,则可以将其存储在简单的循环数组中。 Keep an index of the current position in the array and write to that position. 保留数组中当前位置的索引并写入该位置。

typedef struct {
   int faultNumber;
   char faultName[50];  // length should probably be a #define
   char faultDate[20];  // date in C could be stored in some kind of char array.
                        // or it could be something representing results of something
                        // like a time_t result.

int iCurPos = 0;

Then add an entry at the current position and increment iCurPos and loop it back to 0 when it hits the end. 然后在当前位置添加一个条目,并递增iCurPos,并在结束时将其循环回到0。

You should use an array of the struct type such as 您应该使用结构类型的数组,例如

#define NAME_MAXLEN 20
struct fault {
     int number;
     time_t time;
     char name[NAME_MAXLEN];

struct fault faults[10];

]; ]。

Something along the lines of: 类似于以下内容:

typedef struct fault
    int number;
    char *name;
    char *date;
} fault;

fault faults[10];

faults[0].number = 1;
faults[0].name = "Fault Number 1";
faults[0].date = "Today's Date";


printf("%d\n", faults[0].number);
printf("%s\n", faults[0].name);
printf("%s\n", faults[0].date);

You will need to decide what time type to use of course. 您将需要确定当然要使用哪种时间类型。 Here, i've used a string. 在这里,我用了一个字符串。

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