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[英]VB.net Application does not start on other machine

i have following problem: i made an app in Visual Studios in Basic. 我有以下问题:我在Basic的Visual Studios中制作了一个应用程序。 Now i want to run the app on an other machine but it does not start and shows following error: 现在,我想在另一台计算机上运行该应用程序,但它无法启动,并显示以下错误:

Problemsignatur: Problemsignatur:

Problemereignisname: CLR20r3 问题名称:CLR20r3

Problemsignatur 01: Testprogramm.exe Problemsignatur 01:Testprogramm.exe

Problemsignatur 02: Problemsignatur 02:

Problemsignatur 03: f355e3ea Problemsignatur 03:f355e3ea

Problemsignatur 04: Microsoft.VisualBasic Problemsignatur 04:Microsoft.VisualBasic

Problemsignatur 05: 14.6.1055.0 Problemsignatur 05:14.6.1055.0

Problemsignatur 06: 563c1cc7 Problemsignatur 06:563c1cc7

Problemsignatur 07: 155 Problemsignatur 07:155

Problemsignatur 08: 86 Problemsignatur 08:86

Problemsignatur 09: System.InvalidOperationException Problemsignatur 09:System.InvalidOperationException

Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601. Betriebsystem版本:6.1.760.

Gebietsschema-ID: 1031 Gebietsschema-ID:1031

Zusatzinformation 1: 898a Zusatz信息1:898a

Zusatzinformation 2: 898a9829d4d4c6c6490f3f985d792a98 Zusatz信息2:898a9829d4d4c6c6490f3f985d792a98

Zusatzinformation 3: 3c23 Zusatz信息3:3c23

Zusatzinformation 4: 3c23ce3d18c8aa0d975d086a3c11fef Zusatz信息4:3c23ce3d18c8aa0d975d086a3c11fef

on the other machine is .net Framework 4.6.1 and Powerpacks installed. 在另一台计算机上安装了.net Framework 4.6.1和Powerpacks。 Visual Studio is not installed. 未安装Visual Studio。

I´m able to install the app but when i try to start it i get the error. 我能够安装该应用程序,但是当我尝试启动它时,我得到了错误。 I also get the same error if i start the exe. 如果我启动exe,我也会得到相同的错误。

On the pc where i made the app both, just starting the exe or install it and start it then, works fine. 在我同时制作了两个应用程序的PC上,只需启动exe或安装它,然后再启动它,就可以正常工作。

Thanks for your help! 谢谢你的帮助! JB JB

It throws a System.InvalidOperationException . 它抛出System.InvalidOperationException Catch the error (with try catch or a global exception handler) and show us more (eg. the Exception.Message ). 捕获错误(使用try catch或全局异常处理程序)并向我们显示更多信息(例如Exception.Message )。

See Globally catch exceptions in a WPF application? 请参阅在WPF应用程序中全局捕获异常? for WPF. WPF。

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