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drupal 7 taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load未显示字段

[英]drupal 7 taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load did not show the fields

I have created a vocabulary and listed terms within it, in D7. 我在D7中创建了一个词汇表并列出了其中的术语。 I have added a field named "Icon Color". 我添加了一个名为“图标颜色”的字段。 Now, within the view, I have added the code block as below which perfectly displayed the fields like tid, name, description but it did not show the field "Icon Color". 现在,在视图中,我添加了以下代码块,该代码块完美显示了tid,name,description等字段,但未显示“ Icon Color”字段。

   $name = 'Programme';
   $myvoc = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($name);
   $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($myvoc->vid);
   foreach ($tree as $term) { 

The fields are listed within the vocabulary as below: 这些字段在词汇表中列出如下:


You must load the taxonomy using term id by taxonomy term load function. 您必须通过分类法术语加载功能使用术语ID加载分类法。 Hope the below code helps you. 希望下面的代码对您有所帮助。

$myvoc = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($name);
$tree = taxonomy_get_tree($myvoc->vid);
foreach ($tree as $term) { 
  $term = taxonomy_term_load($term->tid);

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