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[英]Show taxonomy name in drupal content listing page

In drupal website's content listing page in Administrator ( Home » Administer » Content management), currently we have only (Title|Type|Author|Status|Operations) displayed. 在管理员(主页»管理»内容管理)中drupal网站的内容列表页面中,当前仅显示(标题|类型|作者|状态|操作)。 I wanted to show the taxonomy name also in the same listing. 我也想在同一清单中显示分类法名称。 How can we accomplish this requirement? 我们如何才能达到这一要求?


You could also try installing Views Bulk Operations ( http://drupal.org/project/views_bulk_operations ). 您也可以尝试安装Views Bulk Operations( http://drupal.org/project/views_bulk_operations )。 It includes a view named admin_content to which you can add fields (you will need to enable the view first). 它包含一个名为admin_content的视图,您可以在其中添加字段(您需要首先启用该视图)。 The field I am using to show taxonomy terms for each listed node is "Taxonomy: All terms." 我用来显示每个列出的节点的分类术语的字段是“分类:所有术语”。 To make it easier to access 为了更容易访问
the view, I created a menu link for the page and placed the menu link in the admin menu under Administer > Content. 在视图中,我为页面创建了一个菜单链接,并将该菜单链接放置在“管理”>“内容”下的“管理”菜单中。

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