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[英]How to set a default action for SocialEngine module

I have created a module with two controllers: Index and Pay. 我创建了一个带有两个控制器的模块:索引和支付。 There are actions for both controllers, ie 两个控制器都有动作,即
Index -> indexAction 索引-> indexAction
Pay -> indexAction, callbackAction, etc. 支付-> indexAction,callbackAction等
I have defined routes in the module's manifest.php, although it seems defining the routes in that file makes no difference as those routes work correctly anyway. 我已经在模块的manifest.php中定义了路由,尽管在该文件中定义路由似乎没有什么区别,因为这些路由无论如何都能正常工作。 The problem is when I browse the root of the module ie http://example.com/pgateway , only a specific action from my second controller (PayController->callbackAction) is executed. 问题是当我浏览模块的根目录(即http://example.com/pgateway)时 ,仅执行第二个控制器中的特定操作(PayController-> callbackAction)。 Why is that and how can I make say IndexController->indexAction the default page when example.com/pgateway is browsed? 为什么会这样?浏览example.com/pgateway时,如何使IndexController-> indexAction成为默认页面?

My route definitions (manifest.php): 我的路线定义(manifest.php):

'routes' => [
    'pay_general' => [
        'route' => 'pgateway/:controller/:action/*',
        'defaults' => [
            'module' => 'pgateway',
            'controller' => 'pay',
            'action' => 'index',
        'reqs' => [
            'controller' => '\D+',
            'action' => '\D+',
    'pay_callback' => [
        'route' => 'pgateway/:controller/:action/*',
        'defaults' => [
            'module' => 'pgateway',
            'controller' => 'pay',
            'action' => 'callback',
        'reqs' => [
            'controller' => '\D+',
            'action' => '\D+',

route should be unique, in each definition. 在每个定义中,路线应该是唯一的。 :action means it would work with values as well as empty. :action表示它既可以使用值也可以使用空值。 Incase of empty it will use defaults. 如果为空,将使用默认值。 In your case latest route is overriding. 就您而言,最新路线是最重要的。

Try removing pay_callback , it would work as in pay_general . 尝试删除pay_callback ,它将像pay_general工作。

Convention is manage one route for a controller, and manage accordingly. 惯例是为控制器管理一条路线,并据此进行管理。

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