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R ggplot facet_grid多箱线图

[英]R ggplot facet_grid multi boxplot

Using ggplot and facet_grid , I'd like to visualize two parallel vector of values through a box plot. 使用ggplotfacet_grid ,我想通过箱形图可视化两个平行的值向量。 My available data: 我的可用数据:

DF <- data.frame("value" =  runif(50, 0, 1),
             "value2" = runif(50,0,1),
             "type1" = c(rep("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 25), 
                         rep("BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB", 25)),
             "type2" = rep(c("c", "d"), 25), 
             "number" = rep(2:6, 10))

The code at the moment permit to visualize only one vector of values: 目前的代码仅允许可视化一个值向量:

ggplot(DF, aes(y=value, x=type1)) + 
  geom_boxplot(alpha=.3, aes(fill = type1)) + 
  ggtitle("TITLE") + 
  facet_grid(type2 ~ number) +
  scale_x_discrete(name = NULL, breaks = NULL) + # these lines are optional
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

This is my plot at the moment. 这是我目前的情节。


I'd like to visualize a parallel box plot one for each vector (value and value2 in dataframe). 我想为每个向量(数据帧中的value和value2)可视化一个平行箱图。 Then for each colored boxplot, I'd like to have two boxplot one for value and another one for value2 然后对于每个彩色的箱线图,我想有两个箱线图,一个用于 ,另一个用于值2

I think there's likely a post that already addresses it, in addition to the one I linked to above. 我认为除了我上面链接的那篇文章外,可能还有一篇已经解决过的文章。 But this is a problem of two things: 1) getting data into the format that ggplot expects, ie long-shaped so there are values to map onto aesthetics, and 2) separation of concerns, in that you can use reshape2 or (more up-to-date) tidyr functions to get data into the proper shape, and ggplot2 functions to plot it. 但这是两件事的问题:1)将数据转换为ggplot期望的格式,即长形的,因此有值可以映射到美学上; 2)关注点分离,因为您可以使用reshape2或(更多-to-date) tidyr函数将数据转换为适当的形状,而ggplot2函数将其绘制出来。

You can use tidyr::gather for getting long data, and conveniently pipe it directly into ggplot . 您可以使用tidyr::gather获取较长的数据,并方便地将其直接传输到ggplot


To illustrate, though with very generic column names: 为了说明,尽管具有非常通用的列名:

DF %>%
  gather(key, value = val, value, value2) %>%
#>                    type1 type2 number   key       val
#> 1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA     c      2 value 0.5075600
#> 2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA     d      3 value 0.6472347
#> 3 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA     c      4 value 0.7543778
#> 4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA     d      5 value 0.7215786
#> 5 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA     c      6 value 0.1529630
#> 6 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA     d      2 value 0.8779413

Pipe that directly into ggplot : 将其直接管道到ggplot

DF %>%
  gather(key, value = val, value, value2) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = key, y = val, fill = type1)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    facet_grid(type2 ~ number) +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Again, because of some of the generic column names, I'm not entirely sure this is the setup you want—like I don't know the difference in value / value2 vs AAAAAAA / BBBBBBB . 同样,由于某些通用列名,我不能完全确定这是您想要的设置-就像我不知道value / value2AAAAAAA / BBBBBBB You might need to swap aes assignments around accordingly. 您可能需要相应地交换aes分配。

You have to reshape your data frame. 您必须重塑数据框架。 Use an additionally indicator (column) which defines the type of value (for example "value_type") and only define one value column. 使用附加的指示符(列)来定义值的类型(例如“ value_type”),并且仅定义一个值列。 The indicator will than match the value to the corresponding value type. 然后,指标将值匹配到相应的值类型。 The following code will reshape your example: 以下代码将重塑您的示例:

DF <- data.frame("value" =  c(runif(50, 0, 1), runif(50,0,1)),
                 "value_type" = rep(c("value1","value2"), each=50),
                 "type1" = rep(c(rep("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 25), 
                                 rep("BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB", 25)), 2),
                 "type2" = rep(rep(c("c", "d"), 25), 2), 
                 "number" = rep(rep(2:6, 10),2))

Use ggplot additionaly with an color argument: 使用带有颜色参数的ggplot另外:

ggplot(DF, aes(y=value, x=type1, col=value_type)) + 
  geom_boxplot(alpha=.3, aes(fill = type1)) + 
  ggtitle("TITLE") + 
  facet_grid(type2 ~ number) +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("green", "steelblue")) + # set the color of the values manualy
  scale_x_discrete(name = NULL, breaks = NULL) +# these lines are optional
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

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