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[英]Operations on nested dicts and lists

I have file containing test results in the following format: 我的文件包含以下格式的测试结果:


I want to compare the tests with it's scope: 我想将测试与它的范围进行比较:

test_scope = {
    'SCOPE1': [
    'SCOPE2': [
    'SCOPE3': [
    'SCOPE4': [

The ideal output would be: 理想的输出为:

test_results = {
    "SCOPE1": [
            "name": "TEST1", 
            "result": "passed"
            "id": 0
            "name": "TEST2", 
            "result": "failed"
            "id": 1
    "SCOPE2": [
            "name": "TEST3", 
            "result": "passed"
            "id": 1
    "SCOPE3": [
            "name": "TEST4", 
            "result": "not run"
            "id": 1
            "name": "TEST5", 
            "result": "not run"
            "id": 1
    "SCOPE4": [
            "name": "TEST6", 
            "result": "not run"
            "id": 0
            "name": "TEST7", 
            "result": "not run"
            "id": 1

where id is the testname index in the list in test_scope . 其中idtest_scope中列表中的testname索引。

What I have achieved: 我所取得的成就:

class TBD(object):
   def get_test_results(self, path, results_file):
        test_results = []
        with open('path', 'r') as results_file:
            lines = results_file.readlines()
            for line in lines:
                test_case = line.rstrip().split('=')[0]
                test_result = line.rstrip().split('=')[1]
                for section, tests in test_scope.iteritems():
                    if test_case in tests:
                        section = section
                        id = tests.index(test_case)
                        test_results.append({'name': test_case,
                                             'result': test_result,
                                             'section': section,
                                             'id': id)
        return test_results

With output: 输出:

[{'id': 0, 
  'section': 'SCOPE1', 
  'name': 'TEST1', 
  'result': 'passed'},

However I am stuck and don't know how to get the test cases with not run results (those present in test_scope but not in test_results ). 但是我被困住了,不知道如何获得没有运行结果的测试用例(那些出现在test_scope而不是test_results )。

Any advice on how to progress from here? 关于如何从这里前进的任何建议? Of course the data structure can be freely changed if there is easier way to store it, as I am quite inexperienced yet :) 当然,如果有更简单的存储方法,则可以自由更改数据结构,因为我还没有经验:)

Rather than drive your output by the test results file, split reading the test results and outputting your test_results data structure into two separate steps. 而不是通过测试结果文件来驱动输出,而是将读取测试结果和输出test_results数据结构分为两个单独的步骤。

In step one, read the file, and store the information into a dictionary mapping test name -> result. 在第一步中,读取文件,并将信息存储到字典映射测试名称->结果中。 In step two, produce the test_results output by walking the test_scope data structure, using the dictionary produced by step 1 to determine test outcomes. 在第二步中,使用步骤1生成的字典来确定测试结果,通过遍历test_scope数据结构来生成test_results输出。 This makes it trivial to include all entries from test_scope , even if the test was not part of the test run. 这使得包括test_scope 所有条目变得微不足道,即使该测试不是测试运行的一部分。

# step 1, read the results file
results = {}
with open('path', 'r') as results_file:
    results = dict(line.strip().split('=') for line in results_file if line.strip())

# step 2, build the output
test_results = {
    scope: [
            "id": i,
            "name": test_name,
            "result": results.get(test_name, "not run"),
        } for i, test_name in enumerate(tests)
    ] for scope, tests in test_scope.iteritems()

Demo: 演示:

>>> from io import BytesIO
>>> results_file_data = '''\
... TEST1=passed
... TEST2=failed
... TEST3=passed
... '''
>>> with BytesIO(results_file_data) as results_file:
...     results = dict(line.strip().split('=') for line in results_file if line.strip())
>>> test_results = {
...     scope: [
...         {
...             "id": i,
...             "name": test_name,
...             "result": results.get(test_name, "not run"),
...         } for i, test_name in enumerate(tests)
...     ] for scope, tests in test_scope.iteritems()
... }
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(test_results)
{'SCOPE1': [{'id': 0, 'name': 'TEST1', 'result': 'passed'},
            {'id': 1, 'name': 'TEST2', 'result': 'failed'}],
 'SCOPE2': [{'id': 0, 'name': 'TEST3', 'result': 'passed'}],
 'SCOPE3': [{'id': 0, 'name': 'TEST4', 'result': 'not run'},
            {'id': 1, 'name': 'TEST5', 'result': 'not run'}],
 'SCOPE4': [{'id': 0, 'name': 'TEST6', 'result': 'not run'},
            {'id': 1, 'name': 'TEST7', 'result': 'not run'}]}

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