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[英]WPF fill stack panel with buttons?

I am creating buttons during runtime, calculating the size of StackPanel and dividing with button size and then adding buttons to the StackPanel. 我在运行时创建按钮,计算StackPanel的大小,然后除以按钮大小,然后将按钮添加到StackPanel。

Now I would like final result to look like this: 现在,我希望最终结果如下所示:


Now, with StackPanel i am getting this: 现在,有了StackPanel,我得到了这个:

**    **
**    **

Is StackPanel proper control to do this kind of work? 是StackPanel适当的控件来执行这种工作吗?

Code below is for another StackPanel (which works) but buttons are added verticaly: 下面的代码用于另一个StackPanel(有效),但是按钮是垂直添加的:


This is in Program.cs 这在Program.cs中

 private void addButtonGrp()

        //Calculate size of container to determine number of buttons
        int btnMinimumHeightSize = 30;
        int btnNumberCreated = (Convert.ToInt16(rctGrupe.Height) / btnMinimumHeightSize);  

        for (int i = 0; i < btnNumberCreated ; i++)

            CreateGroupButtons btn = new CreateGroupButtons();
            var btnX = new Button();

            btnX.Click += ClickHandler2;

            if (i==btnNumberCreated -1 )
                btnX.Height = btnMinimumHeightSize + ((Convert.ToDouble(rctGrupe.Height) / btnMinimumHeightSize) % 1)*(btnNumberCreated);


And this is in class CreateGroupButtons 这是在类CreateGroupButtons中

public Button addButton(int num, int btnHeight, int btnWidth)

        var btnX = new Button { Content = "Group " + num, Tag = num, Height = btnHeight, Width=btnWidth };
        return btnX;

Here is a basic example of filling a UniformGrid with a 4x3 grid of Buttons: 这是一个用4x3的Button网格填充UniformGrid的基本示例:

<ItemsControl x:Name="buttonGrid">
            <UniformGrid Columns="4"/>
            <Button Content="{Binding}" ContentStringFormat="Group {0}"

Set the ItemsSource property to an IEnumerable<int> like this: 将ItemsSource属性设置为IEnumerable<int>如下所示:

buttonGrid.ItemsSource = Enumerable.Range(1, 12);

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