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[英]How to Toggle Visibility Between a Button and a Stack Panel Containing Two Buttons

I am having difficulty figuring out how to toggle the visibility between three buttons.我很难弄清楚如何在三个按钮之间切换可见性。 Here is the scenario:这是场景:

  • I have 3 buttons on a user control, an Edit button, an OK button, and a Cancel button.我在用户控件上有 3 个按钮,一个Edit按钮,一个OK按钮和一个Cancel按钮。
  • The Ok and Cancel buttons are grouped together in a stack panel. OkCancel按钮在堆栈面板中组合在一起。
  • The Edit button is by itself. Edit按钮是独立的。
  • I would like when the Edit button is pressed, that it (the Edit button) is hidden and the stack panel containing the Ok and Cancel buttons are shown.我希望在按下“ Edit ”按钮时,它(“ Edit ”按钮)被隐藏,并显示包含“ Ok ”和“ Cancel ”按钮的堆栈面板。
  • When either the Cancel or Ok buttons are pressed, they are hidden, and the Edit button is shown again.当按下CancelOk按钮时,它们将被隐藏,而Edit按钮将再次显示。
  • There will be 7 lines on this form that are all very similar, with a label, text box, and an edit button.此表单上将有 7 行都非常相似,带有 label、文本框和编辑按钮。
  • Is it possible to use only a few methods to control the visibility of all of the buttons/ stack panels.是否可以仅使用几种方法来控制所有按钮/堆栈面板的可见性。
  • ie Can I have one Edit method and show the stack panel depending on the text box control name/ binding, instead of having to right 7 methods for showing the stack panel, 7 Ok methods and 7 cancel methods?即,我可以使用一种编辑方法并根据文本框控件名称/绑定显示堆栈面板,而不必使用 7 种显示堆栈面板的方法、7 种确定方法和 7 种取消方法吗?

Here is the line on the form with the Edit button:这是表单上带有“ Edit ”按钮的行:


And here is the line on the form with the Ok and Cancel buttons:这是带有OkCancel按钮的表单行:


Here is the XAML code that I've come up with for this line:这是我为这一行提出的 XAML 代码:

        Style="{StaticResource DeviceInfoPropertyLabelStyle}">
        Text="{Binding ControllerName}"
        Style="{StaticResource DeviceInfoTextBoxStyle}" />
            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />

                Command="{Binding EditCommand}"
                Visibility="{Binding IsEditButtonVisible, Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibilityConverter}, FallbackValue=Collapsed}"
                Style="{StaticResource DeviceInfoEditButtonStyle}">
            Visibility="{Binding IsOkCancelButtonVisible, Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibilityConverter}, FallbackValue=Visible}">
                Command="{Binding OkEditCommand}"
                Style="{StaticResource DeviceInfoEditOkButtonStyle}">
                Command="{Binding  CancelEditCommand}"
                Style="{StaticResource DeviceInfoEditCancelButtonStyle}">

Here is the code in the ViewModel that I have so far.这是我目前拥有的 ViewModel 中的代码。 It's only a skeleton at this point:在这一点上它只是一个骨架:

public bool IsEditButtonVisible
        bool output = false;
        if (true)
            return true;

        return output;

public bool IsOkCancelButtonVisible
    get => true;

private void Edit()
    if (true)


private void OkEdit()


private void CancelEdit()


Note that I am using the MVVM Community Toolkit.请注意,我使用的是 MVVM 社区工具包。

Let me know if I need to provide any additional information.让我知道是否需要提供任何其他信息。


You can use just one boolean to toggle the visibility.您可以只使用一个 boolean 来切换可见性。 Change BoolToVisibilityConverter code a bit..稍微更改 BoolToVisibilityConverter 代码..

public class BoolToVisibilityConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        if (value is bool b)
            if (parameter is string str && str == "Inverse")
                return b ? Visibility.Hidden : Visibility.Visible;
            return b ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden;

        return Visibility.Visible;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Edit button编辑按钮

    Visibility="{Binding IsEditButtonVisible, Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibilityConverter}}">

OK/Cancel stackpanel确定/取消堆栈面板

    Visibility="{Binding IsEditButtonVisible, Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibilityConverter}, ConverterParameter=Inverse}">

ViewModel (sorry I don't use MVVM Community Toolkit) ViewModel(抱歉我不使用 MVVM Community Toolkit)

public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private bool _isEditButtonVisible;

    public bool IsEditButtonVisible
            _isEditButtonVisible = value;
        get => _isEditButtonVisible;
    private void Edit()
        IsEditButtonVisible = false;

    private void Ok()
        IsEditButtonVisible = true;

    private void Cancel()
        IsEditButtonVisible = true;
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
    // other code

To apply the same logic over the other 7 similar groups, you must have at least 7 booleans, but you can have 3 commands only, where you can pass the name of the group to the command, and the command will toggle the appropriate group based on the passed parameter要对其他 7 个类似的组应用相同的逻辑,您必须至少有 7 个布尔值,但您只能有 3 个命令,您可以在其中将组的名称传递给命令,该命令将根据相应的组切换在传递的参数上

In View在视图中

    Command="{Binding OkCommand}"

In ViewModel在视图模型中

private void Edit(string commandParameter)
    IsEdit1ButtonVisible = commandParameter != "group1";
    IsEdit2ButtonVisible = commandParameter != "group2";
    IsEdit3ButtonVisible = commandParameter != "group3";
    // etc...

private void Ok(string commandParameter)
    IsEdit1ButtonVisible = commandParameter == "group1";
    IsEdit2ButtonVisible = commandParameter == "group2";
    IsEdit3ButtonVisible = commandParameter == "group3";
    // etc...

private void Cancel(string commandParameter)
    IsEdit1ButtonVisible = commandParameter == "group1";
    IsEdit2ButtonVisible = commandParameter == "group2";
    IsEdit3ButtonVisible = commandParameter == "group3";
    // etc...

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