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[英]spread in setState of react

I saw this in somewhere and I'm confused. 我在某个地方看到了这个,我很困惑。 I've never do thing this way, what it does actually? 我从来没有这样做过,实际上它是做什么的?

doSomething = index => {
    const tempState = this.state

const tempState = this.state

The above assigns to tempState a reference to the state object 上面为tempState分配了对状态对象的引用


tempState has a property of keys that holds a reference to an array and push is called on the array to add index to the array tempState具有键的属性,该属性保存对数组的引用,并在数组上调用push以向数组添加index


this.setState is called and a new copy of the state is passed into setState . this.setState并将状态的新副本传递到setState The spread operator is basically copying the content of the old state into a new object. 传播运算符基本上是将旧状态的内容复制到新对象中。

The above implementation isn't the perfect one and should be improved so that you aren't mutating the original state object. 上面的实现不是完美的实现,应该对其进行改进,以免改变原始状态对象。

doSomething = index => {
    const tempState = this.state  // assing reference of state to tempState
    tempState.keys.push(index) // push a value to `keys` property value within state. Note that Javascript object assignment works by reference and hence this will actually mutate the state object

    }) // call setState to update state and pass the cloned version of tempState using spread syntax as the new state values

Although the above implementation clones the value before setState, its incorrect since it should clone the value before any update is made into it 尽管上述实现在setState之前克隆了该值,但它是不正确的,因为它应该在对其进行任何更新之前克隆该值

doSomething = index => {
    const keys = [...this.state.keys]


However since you use ES5, in order to clone the value, you can make use of concat to update the keys array using functional setState like 但是,由于您使用ES5,因此为了克隆值,可以使用concat使用setState之类的功能来更新键数组。

doSomething = index => {

    this.setState(prevState => ({
      keys: prevState.keys.concat([index])

I hope the above answer provides an insight into the explanation that you were looking for 希望以上答案能为您提供所需的解释的见解

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