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用于Process.BeginOutputReadLine的Win32 API

[英]win32 api for Process.BeginOutputReadLine

i wanted to know the c++ equivalent of c#'s Process.BeginOutputReadLine, where i aynchronously read from the standardoutput of another process. 我想知道c#的Process.BeginOutputReadLine的c ++等效项,在这里我从另一个进程的standardoutput中异步读取。 Is there any API for it? 是否有任何API?

To read the standard output of a process you need to assign an appropriate handle to an instance of STARTUPINFO passed to CreateProcess . 要读取流程的标准输出,您需要为传递给CreateProcessSTARTUPINFO实例分配适当的句柄。 Remember to include the STARTF_USESTDHANDLES flag. 记住要包含STARTF_USESTDHANDLES标志。

Usually an anonymous pipe is used, created via CreatePipe . 通常使用通过CreatePipe创建的匿名管道。

See " Creating a Child Process with Redirected Input and Output " for an example. 有关示例,请参见“ 使用重定向的输入和输出创建子进程 ”。

You can use the normal Win32 approaches (OVERLAPPED + event, IOCompleteion Port,...) to reading the output handle asynchronously. 您可以使用普通的Win32方法(OVERLAPPED +事件,IOCompleteion端口等)来异步读取输出句柄。

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