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无法在Delphi 10.2中将char数组赋值给字符串

[英]Can not assign char array to string in Delphi 10.2

I have the following variable declarations: 我有以下变量声明:

arrChar_1: array[0..2] of Char;
arrChar_2: array[0..2] of Char;
str: string;

Then I made the assignment: 然后我做了作业:

str := arrChar_1 + arrChar_2;

This assignment works normally on Delphi 6. But error occurs when I compile it on Delphi 10.2: 这个赋值在Delphi 6上正常工作。但是当我在Delphi 10.2上编译它时会发生错误:

[dcc32 Error] MigrateConcatenateCharArray.dpr(26): E2008 Incompatible types

I'm solving this problem in the following way: 我正在通过以下方式解决这个问题:

str := Copy(first_arrChar, 0, StrLen(first_arrChar));
str := str + Copy(second_arrChar, 0, StrLen(second_arrChar));

Is there any other good solution to this problem? 这个问题有没有其他好的解决方案? (1) (1)

In Delphi 6: 在Delphi 6中:

String = AnsiString
Char = AnsiChar

In Delphi 10.2: 在Delphi 10.2中:

String = UnicodeString
Char = WideChar

Can tell me what caused the incompatibility issue to occur? 可以告诉我是什么原因造成了不兼容问题? (2) (2)

I'm understanding that widechar is a multi-byte character type. 我理解widechar是一个多字节字符类型。 Unicode is the way that characters are encoded. Unicode是字符编码的方式。 But I'm confused about them. 但我对他们感到困惑。

The following compiles in all versions of Delphi: 以下编译在所有版本的Delphi中:

procedure Main;
  arrChar_1: array[0..2] of AnsiChar;
  arrChar_2: array[0..2] of AnsiChar;
  str: AnsiString;
  str := arrChar_1 + arrChar_2;

The following code does not compile in Unicode versions of Delphi: 以下代码不能在Unicode版本的Delphi中编译:

procedure Main;
  arrChar_1: array[0..2] of WideChar;
  arrChar_2: array[0..2] of WideChar;
  str: UnicodeString;
  str := arrChar_1 + arrChar_2;

This seems a little odd to me. 这对我来说有点奇怪。 Why should the concatenation operator be supported for AnsiChar arrays but not WideChar arrays? 为什么连接运算符应该支持AnsiChar数组而不支持WideChar数组?

If you examine how the concatenation operator is implemented for AnsiChar arrays that begins to shed some light. 如果你检查如何为AnsiChar数组实现连接运算符,这些数组开始有所AnsiChar The generated code first converts the arrays into ShortString instances. 生成的代码首先将数组转换为ShortString实例。 These are then converted into Delphi AnsiString instances. 然后将它们转换为Delphi AnsiString实例。 Finally the two AnsiString instances are concatenated. 最后连接两个AnsiString实例。

Now, this would explain why the code fails for WideChar arrays. 现在,这将解释为什么WideChar数组的代码失败。 The ShortString type only supports AnsiChar elements and so a different path through the string support routines would have been needed. ShortString类型仅支持AnsiChar元素,因此需要通过字符串支持例程的不同路径。 One can assume that the Embarcadero designers chose, for whatever reason, not to support this form of concatenation when implementing Unicode support. 可以假设Embarcadero设计者出于某种原因选择在实现Unicode支持时不支持这种形式的连接。

To back this idea up, consider the following: 为了支持这个想法,请考虑以下事项:

procedure Main;
  arrChar_1: array[0..254] of AnsiChar;
  arrChar_2: array[0..254] of AnsiChar;
  str: AnsiString;
  str := arrChar_1 + arrChar_2;

This compiles. 这编译。 But change either of the 254 upper bounds to 255 and the code fails to compile (in all versions of Delphi) reporting E2008 Incompatible types . 但是将254上限中的任何一个更改为255并且代码无法编译(在所有版本的Delphi中)报告E2008不兼容的类型 That is because the array now exceeds the maximum length of a ShortString object. 这是因为数组现在超过了ShortString对象的最大长度。

As for how to migrate your code to Unicode Delphi, I suggest that you simply cast the character arrays to string : 至于如何将代码迁移到Unicode Delphi,我建议您只需将字符数组转换为string

str := string(arrChar_1) + string(arrChar_2);

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