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Aws Dynamo db 性能很慢

[英]Aws Dynamo db performance is slow

For my application I am using free tier aws account I have given 5 read capacity and 5Write capacity(i can't increase the capacity because they will charge if I increase) to the dynamo db here I am using scan operation.对于我的应用程序,我使用的是免费层 aws 帐户,我已经为 dynamo db 提供了 5 个读取容量和 5 个写入容量(我无法增加容量,因为如果我增加它们会收费),我正在使用扫描操作。 The api is loading in between 10 seconds to 20 seconds. api 在 10 秒到 20 秒之间加载。

I have used parallel scan too but the api is loading same time.我也使用了并行扫描,但 api 正在加载。 Is there any alternate service in aws. aws.js 中是否有任何替代服务?

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It is not a good idea to use a Scan on a NoSQL database.在 NoSQL 数据库上使用 Scan 不是一个好主意。

DynamoDB is optimize for Query requests. DynamoDB 针对查询请求进行了优化。 The data will come back very quickly, guaranteed (within the allocated Capacity).数据将很快返回,保证(在分配的容量内)。

However, when using a Scan, the database must read each item from the database and each item consumes a Read Capacity unit .但是,在使用 Scan 时,数据库必须从数据库中读取每个项目,并且每个项目消耗一个读取容量单位 So, if you have a table with 1000 items, a Query on one item would consume one Unit, whereas a Scan would consume 1000 Units.因此,如果您有一个包含 1000 个项目的表,则对一个项目的查询将消耗一个单位,而扫描将消耗 1000 个单位。

So, either increase the Capacity Units (and cost) or, best of all, use a Query rather than a Scan.因此,要么增加容量单位(和成本),要么最好使用查询而不是扫描。 Indexes can also help.索引也可以提供帮助。

You might need to re-think how you store your data if you always need to do a Scan.如果您总是需要进行扫描,您可能需要重新考虑如何存储数据。

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