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Angular 6 - 如何在单元测试中模拟 router.events url 响应

[英]Angular 6 - how to mock router.events url response in unit test

As the title indicates, I need to mock router.events in a unit test.正如标题所示,我需要在单元测试中模拟router.events

In my component, I doing some regex to grab the first instance of text between slashes in the url;在我的组件中,我做了一些正则表达式来获取 url 中斜杠之间的第一个文本实例; eg, /pdp/例如, /pdp/

    private route: ActivatedRoute,
    private router: Router,

      .subscribe(route => {
        if (route instanceof NavigationEnd) {
        // debugger
          this.projectType = route.url.match(/[a-z-]+/)[0];

My unit tests error out when the component is being built: Cannot read property '0' of null .我的单元测试在构建组件时出错: Cannot read property '0' of null When I comment-in the debugger, route does not seem to be set correctly, yet I am setting it in the unit test itself.当我在调试器中注释时, route似乎没有正确设置,但我在单元测试本身中设置了它。 I have done it several different ways (inspired by this post: Mocking router.events.subscribe() Angular2 and others).我已经完成了几种不同的方式(受这篇文章的启发: Mocking router.events.subscribe() Angular2和其他)。

First attempt:第一次尝试:

providers: [
          provide: Router,
          useValue: {
            events: of(new NavigationEnd(0, '/pdp/project-details/4/edit', 'pdp/project-details/4/edit'))
        // ActivatedRoute also being mocked
          provide: ActivatedRoute,
          useValue: {
            snapshot: { url: [{ path: 'new' }, { path: 'edit' }] },
            parent: {
              parent: {
                snapshot: {
                  url: [
                    { path: 'pdp' }

Second attempt (based on the above post):第二次尝试(基于上述帖子):

class MockRouter {
  public events = of(new NavigationEnd(0, '/pdp/project-details/4/edit', '/pdp/project-details/4/edit'))

providers: [
          provide: Router,
          useClass: MockRouter

Third attempt (also based on above post):第三次尝试(也基于上述帖子):

class MockRouter {
  public ne = new NavigationEnd(0, '/pdp/project-details/4/edit', '/pdp/project-details/4/edit');
  public events = new Observable(observer => {

providers: [
          provide: Router,
          useClass: MockRouter

Fourth attempt:第四次尝试:

beforeEach(() => {
    spyOn((<any>component).router, 'events').and.returnValue(of(new NavigationEnd(0, '/pdp/project-details/4/edit', 'pdp/project-details/4/edit')))

Fifth attempt:第五次尝试:

beforeEach(() => {
    spyOn(TestBed.get(Router), 'events').and.returnValue(of({ url:'/pdp/project-details/4/edit' }))

In all the above cases, route is not being set;在上述所有情况下,都没有设置route the NavigationEnd object is equal to: NavigationEnd对象等于:

{ id: 1, url: "/", urlAfterRedirects: "/" }


It can be as simple as:它可以很简单:

  imports: [RouterTestingModule]
const event = new NavigationEnd(42, '/', '/');
(TestBed.inject(Router).events as Subject<Event>).next(event);

Here is the answer I came up with.这是我想出的答案。 I think I just didn't extend the first approach (above) far enough:我想我只是没有将第一种方法(以上)扩展得足够远:

import { of } from 'rxjs';
import { NavigationEnd, Router } from '@angular/router';

providers: [
      provide: Router,
      useValue: {
        url: '/non-pdp/phases/8',
        events: of(new NavigationEnd(0, 'http://localhost:4200/#/non-pdp/phases/8', 'http://localhost:4200/#/non-pdp/phases/8')),
        navigate: jasmine.createSpy('navigate')

Thought this might help...have a footer component with routerLinks in the template.认为这可能会有所帮助...在模板中有一个带有 routerLinks 的页脚组件。 Was getting the root not provided error....had to use a "real" router...but have a spied variable..and point the router.events to my test observable so I can control nav events正在获取根未提供错误....必须使用“真实”路由器...但有一个间谍变量..并将 router.events 指向我的测试可观察对象,以便我可以控制导航事件

export type Spied<T> = { [Method in keyof T]: jasmine.Spy };

describe("FooterComponent", () => {
   let component: FooterComponent;
   let fixture: ComponentFixture<FooterComponent>;
   let de: DebugElement;
   const routerEvent$ = new BehaviorSubject<RouterEvent>(null);
   let router: Spied<Router>;

 beforeEach(async(() => {
        providers: [provideMock(SomeService), provideMock(SomeOtherService)],
        declarations: [FooterComponent],
        imports: [RouterTestingModule]

    router = TestBed.get(Router);
    (<any>router).events = routerEvent$.asObservable();

    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(FooterComponent);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;
    de = fixture.debugElement;
// component subscribes to router nav event...checking url to hide/show a link
it("should return false for showSomeLink()", () => {
    routerEvent$.next(new NavigationEnd(1, "/someroute", "/"));
    const htmlComponent = de.query(By.css("#someLinkId"));

I saw this alternative and it works with RouterTestingModule like @daniel-sc 's answer我看到了这个替代方案,它与RouterTestingModule工作,就像 @daniel-sc 的答案

   const events = new Subject<{}>();
   const router = TestBed.get(Router);
   spyOn(router.events, 'pipe').and.returnValue(events);
   events.next('Result of pipe');

Hope this could help, this is what I did:希望这会有所帮助,这就是我所做的:

const eventsStub = new BehaviorSubject<Event>(null);
    export class RouterStub {
      events = eventsStub;

    beforeEach(async(() => {
          declarations: [AppComponent],
          imports: [RouterTestingModule],
          providers: [
            { provide: HttpClient, useValue: {} },
            { provide: Router, useClass: RouterStub },
          schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA]
        fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);
        router = TestBed.get(Router);
        tileMenuService = TestBed.get(TileMenuComponentService);
        component = fixture.componentInstance;

and then on the test I did this:然后在测试中我这样做了:

     it('should close the menu when navigation to dashboard ends', async(() => {
        spyOn(tileMenuService.menuOpened, 'next');
        router.events.next(new NavigationEnd (1, '/', '/'));

this to verify that after the navigation to route '/' I execute an expected instruction这是为了验证在导航到路由“/”之后我执行了预期的指令

  • use ReplaySubject<RouterEvent> to mock the router.events使用ReplaySubject<RouterEvent>来模拟router.events
  • export it to a service so that you can test it more independently from the component, and other components may also want to use this service ;)将它导出到一个服务,这样你就可以更独立于组件进行测试,其他组件可能也想使用这个服务;)
  • use filter instead of instanceof使用filter代替instanceof

source code源代码

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {NavigationEnd, Router, RouterEvent} from '@angular/router';
import {filter, map} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class RouteEventService {
  constructor(private router: Router) {

  subscribeToRouterEventUrl(): Observable<string> {
    return this.router.events
        filter(event => event instanceof NavigationEnd),
        map((event: RouterEvent) => event.url)

test code测试代码

import {TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing';

import {RouteEventService} from './route-event.service';
import {NavigationEnd, NavigationStart, Router, RouterEvent} from '@angular/router';
import {Observable, ReplaySubject} from 'rxjs';

describe('RouteEventService', () => {
  let service: RouteEventService;
  let routerEventRelaySubject: ReplaySubject<RouterEvent>;
  let routerMock;

  beforeEach(() => {
    routerEventRelaySubject = new ReplaySubject<RouterEvent>(1);
    routerMock = {
      events: routerEventRelaySubject.asObservable()

      providers: [
        {provide: Router, useValue: routerMock}
    service = TestBed.inject(RouteEventService);

  it('should be created', () => {

  describe('subscribeToEventUrl should', () => {
    it('return route equals to mock url on firing NavigationEnd', () => {
      const result: Observable<string> = service.subscribeToRouterEventUrl();
      const url = '/mock';

      result.subscribe((route: string) => {

      routerEventRelaySubject.next(new NavigationEnd(1, url, 'redirectUrl'));

    it('return route equals to mock url on firing NavigationStart', () => {
      const result: Observable<string> = service.subscribeToRouterEventUrl();
      const url = '/mock';

      result.subscribe((route: string) => {

      routerEventRelaySubject.next(new NavigationStart(1, url, 'imperative', null));

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