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在结构中将字符串分配给char *

[英]Assigning string to char* in structure

Maybe I've been up too long today, but I can't figure out why this is working: 也许我今天已经太久了,但我无法弄清楚为什么这样做有效:

int main() {
   struct emf_struct {
      long num;
      char *str;
      double real;

   struct emf_struct emf [10]; 

   emf[1].real= 4.5;
   emf[1].str = "This is a string";
   emf[1].num = 1234567890;
   printf("%d-%s-%f\n", emf[1].num, emf[1].str, emf[1].real);

When compiled under Microsoft (just cl filename), the output is: 在Microsoft(只是cl文件名)下编译时,输出为:
1234567890-This is a string-4.500000 1234567890 - 这是一个字符串-450000

I could understand it if the struct had used a character array, eg, char str[32], but this is a pointer to a string and it's a simple assignment of a literal (that has no address) to that pointer. 如果结构使用了字符数组,我可以理解它,例如char str [32],但这是一个指向字符串的指针,它是一个简单的文字(没有地址)到该指针的赋值。

  • Where did the memory space for the assignment come from? 作业的记忆空间来自哪里? Shouldn't I have had to malloc? 我不应该不得不使用malloc吗?
  • Without it, shouldn't the assignment have overwritten the real variable coming after str in the struct? 如果没有它,那么赋值是否应该覆盖结构中str后面的实变量? (Packing seemed to have no effect.) (包装似乎没有效果。)

Thanks! 谢谢!

EDIT: C is not my primary programming language. 编辑:C不是我的主要编程语言。 The comments and replies people have provided have helped me realize something: literals have "addresses" maintained by the compiler, something I knew was true for initialization but not for assignments. 人们提供的评论和回复帮助我实现了一些东西:文字具有编译器维护的“地址”,我知道初始化但不适用于赋值。 I thought one needed to do this: 我认为有人需要这样做:

int main() {
   char *foo;
   foo = (char *) malloc(17);
   strcpy(foo, "This is a string");
   printf("%s\n", foo);

when in fact all I need do is this: 实际上,我需要做的就是:

int main() {
   char *foo;
   foo = "This is a string";
   printf("%s\n", foo);

Where did the memory space for the assignment come from? 作业的记忆空间来自哪里? Shouldn't I have had to malloc? 我不应该不得不使用malloc吗?

The string literal you are assigning allready resides in memory. 您分配的字符串文字已驻留在内存中。 With

char *foo = "bar";

you just have foo point to that location. 你只有foo指向那个位置。 The pointer should really be char const* though since string literals are immutable. 指针应该是char const*因为字符串文字是不可变的。

Why wouldn't it have to look like, emf[1].str = &"This is a string"; 为什么它看起来不像, emf[1].str = &"This is a string"; ?

Because a string literal is an array of char s that (like any array) decays to a pointer under most conditions. 因为字符串文字是一个char数组(在任何数组中)都会在大多数条件下衰减到指针。 Exceptions to array decaying into a pointer? 数组衰减为指针的例外情况?

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