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[英]get entire folders/files tree and rename

I have a folders/files tree inside admin folder (windows, localhost). 我在admin文件夹(Windows,localhost)中有一个文件夹/文件树。

All files are .html . 所有文件均为.html

Each of them (files and folders) is starting with some numbers and middle dash, for example 例如,每个文件(文件和文件夹)都以一些数字和中间的破折号开头


I need to list all of them and remove all prefixes from their names. 我需要列出所有这些名称,并从其名称中删除所有前缀。 So the result should be: 因此结果应为:


foreach(glob("admin/*") as $el) {
        echo $el . '.' . filetype($el) . '<br>';

First problem - only folders are listed: 第一个问题-仅列出文件夹:


How to get files too, and how to rename ie remove prefixes from all the names? 也如何获取文件,以及如何重命名(即从所有名称中删除前缀)?

You can use the second choice to list files : scandir , and recursive function : 您可以使用第二个选择列出文件: scandir和递归函数:

function removePrefixFiles($dir, &$results = array()){
    $files = scandir($dir);

    foreach ($files as $key => $value){
        $path = realpath($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);
        if (! is_dir($path)) {
            // treat the filename
            $file = pathinfo($path);
            $filename = explode('-', $file['filename']);

            if (count($filename) > 0) {
                // '-' is found, rename file
                rename($path, $file['dirname'] .'/'. $filename[1] .'.'. $file['extension'];
            $results[] = $path;
        } else if ($value != '.' && $value != '..') {
            removePrefixFiles($path, $results);
            $results[] = $path;

    // no real need to return something here, but can log the files
    return $results;

$dir = '/admin';

I have created two folder inside admin/ name as 我在admin /名称中创建了两个文件夹

1-files and 2-abc 1个文件和2个abc

then inside folder 1-files i have two files 然后在文件夹1个文件中,我有两个文件

11-java.html 11 java.html

11-text.html 11 text.html

then inside folder 2-abc i have two files 然后在文件夹2-abc里面我有两个文件

22-php.html 22 php.html

22-sql.html 22 sql.html

$dir = "admin/";

// Sort in ascending order - this is default
$a = scandir($dir);
echo "<pre>";
    $newArr = array();
        $test = array();
        $folderArr = array();
        $folderName = explode('-',$a[$i]);
        $test['folder'] = $folderName[1];
        $b = scandir($dir.'/'.$a[$i]);

            $fileName    =  explode('-',$b[$j]);
            $folderArr[] = substr($fileName[1], 0, strpos($fileName[1], "."));;

        $test['files'] = $folderArr;
        $newArr[] = $test;

This will be the output 这将是输出

    [0] => Array
            [folder] => files
            [files] => Array
                    [0] => java
                    [1] => text


    [1] => Array
            [folder] => abc
            [files] => Array
                    [0] => php
                    [1] => sql



Hope this willl hellp you. 希望这会帮助你。

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