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获取完整的文件夹树并计算其中的 txt 文件

[英]get full folders tree and count txt files inside

main folder is home - with subfolders and txt files - on various levels主文件夹是home文件夹 - 包含子文件夹和txt文件 - 在各个级别
I need the list of entire folders tree - and count txt files inside each of them我需要整个文件夹树的列表 - 并计算每个文件夹中的txt文件
This code gives the folders but count is always - 0此代码提供文件夹,但计数始终为 - 0
I suppose paths to folders and not only folder names - are required, but can't see - how to get them.我想paths to folders而不仅仅是文件夹名称 - 是必需的,但看不到 - 如何获取它们。

   function rscan ($dir) {
      $all = array_diff(scandir($dir), [".", ".."]);
      foreach ($all as $ff) {
        if(is_dir($dir . $ff)){
          echo $ff . "\n";  // it works
          $arr = glob($ff . "/*.txt");
          echo count($arr) . "\n";  // always 0

Line 6 6号线

$arr = glob($ff . "/*.txt");

Change to the code below:更改为以下代码:

$arr = glob($dir.$ff . "/*.txt");

An alternate implementation:替代实现:

function glob_recursive($pattern, $flags = 0): Int {
    $files = glob($pattern, $flags);
    $count = count($files);
    foreach (glob(dirname($pattern).'/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR|GLOB_NOSORT) as $dir) {
        $count += glob_recursive($dir.'/'.basename($pattern), $flags);
    return $count;

The output is something like: output 类似于:


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