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[英]Creating Singleton class in Python and counting the number of instances

I was trying to understand how to create a Singleton class in Python. 我试图了解如何在Python中创建Singleton类。 Below is how i attempted 以下是我的尝试

class Singleton(object):
    _instance = None

    def __new__(class_, *args, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(class_._instance, class_):
            class_._instance = object.__new__(class_)
        return class_._instance

class MyClass(Singleton):
    num_of_instances = 0
    def __init__(self, real = 5, imaginary = 6):
        self.real = real
        self.imaginary = imaginary
        MyClass.num_of_instances += 1

a = MyClass(10, 20)
b = MyClass()

print(MyClass.num_of_instances)  # 2

Ideally __new__() calls __init__() with the object instance, but in the above case when I am trying to create second object b , __new__ won't be called because an instance of MyClass already exits then why does the print statement printing num_of_instances print 2 ? 理想情况下, __new__()使用对象实例调用__init__() ,但是在上述情况下,当我尝试创建第二个对象b ,将不会调用__new__因为MyClass实例已经存在,那么为什么打印语句print num_of_instances print 2

__new__ is called for every MyClass(...) call . 每次MyClass(...)调用都会调用 __new__ If it didn't get called, it would not be able to return the singleton instance. 如果没有被调用,它将无法返回单例实例。

And when the __new__ method returns an object and that object is an instance of the cls argument passed to __new__ (or a subclass), then the __init__ method is also called. __new__方法返回一个对象并且该对象是传递给__new__ (或子类)的cls参数的实例时,还将调用__init__方法。

So, for each MyClass(...) call, __new__ is called. 因此,对于每个MyClass(...)调用, __new__调用__new__ The __new__ method always returns an instance of the current class, so __init__ is called, every time. __new__方法始终返回当前类的实例,因此每次都调用__init__ It doesn't matter here that it is the same instance each time. 没关系,每次都是同一实例。

From the __new__ method documentation : __new__方法文档中

If __new__() returns an instance of cls , then the new instance's __init__() method will be invoked like __init__(self[, ...]) , where self is the new instance and the remaining arguments are the same as were passed to __new__() . 如果__new__()返回cls的实例,则将调用新实例的__init__()方法,就像__init__(self[, ...]) ,其中self是新实例,其余参数与传递给__new__()

You can see this happen if you add some print() calls in the methods: 如果在方法中添加一些print()调用,则可以看到这种情况:

>>> class Singleton(object):
...     _instance = None
...     def __new__(class_, *args, **kwargs):
...         print(f'Calling {class_!r}(*{args!r}, **{kwargs!r})')
...         if not isinstance(class_._instance, class_):
...             print(f'Creating the singleton instance for {class_!r}')
...             class_._instance = object.__new__(class_)
...         return class_._instance
>>> class MyClass(Singleton):
...     num_of_instances = 0
...     def __init__(self, real=5, imaginary=6):
...         print(f'Calling {type(self)!r}.__init__(self, real={real!r}, imaginary={imaginary!r})')
...         self.real = real
...         self.imaginary = imaginary
...         MyClass.num_of_instances += 1
>>> a = MyClass(10, 20)
Calling <class '__main__.MyClass'>(*(10, 20), **{})
Creating the singleton instance for <class '__main__.MyClass'>
Calling <class '__main__.MyClass'>.__init__(self, real=10, imaginary=20)
>>> b = MyClass()
Calling <class '__main__.MyClass'>(*(), **{})
Calling <class '__main__.MyClass'>.__init__(self, real=5, imaginary=6)

You can't prevent the automatic __init__ call, at least not without overriding something else. 您不能阻止自动__init__调用,至少不能不重写其他内容。 If you want to avoid __init__ being called each time, you have some options: 如果要避免每次都调用__init__ ,则有一些选择:

You don't have to use an __init__ method on the subclass. 您不必在子类上使用__init__方法。 You could invent your own mechanism, __new__ could look for a __singleton_init__ method and call that: 您可以发明自己的机制, __new__可以寻找__singleton_init__方法并调用该方法:

class Singleton(object):
    _instance = None

    def __new__(class_, *args, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(class_._instance, class_):
            class_._instance = object.__new__(class_)
            if hasattr(class_._instance, '__singleton_init__'):
                class_._instance.__singleton_init__(*args, **kwargs)`
        return class_._instance

or your __init__ method could check if there are already attributes set in vars(self) (or self.__dict__ ) and just not set attributes again: 或者您的__init__方法可以检查是否已在vars(self) (或self.__dict__ )中设置了属性,而不再设置属性:

class MyClass(Singleton):
    def __init__(self, real=5, imaginary=6):
        if vars(self):
            # we already set attributes on this instance before
        self.real = real
        self.imaginary = imaginary

The __new__ and __init__ logic is implemented in type.__call__ ; __new____init__逻辑在type.__call__ you could create a metaclass that overrides that logic. 您可以创建一个覆盖该逻辑的元类 While you could simply call __new__ only (and leave everything as is), it makes sense to make the metaclass responsible for handling the Singleton pattern: 虽然您可以只简单地调用__new__ (并将所有内容__new__ ),但使元类负责处理Singleton模式是有意义的:

class SingletonMeta(type):
    def __new__(mcls, *args, **kwargs):
        cls = super().__new__(mcls, *args, **kwargs)
        cls._instance = None
        return cls

    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if cls._instance is None:
            cls._instance = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
        return cls._instance

then use this not as a base class but with metaclass=... . 然后将其用作metaclass=...而不是基类。 You can create an empty base class if that's easier: 如果更简单,则可以创建一个空的基类:

class Singleton(metaclass=SingletonMeta):

class MyClass(Singleton):
    # ...

The above will call __new__ on the class, optionally followed by __init__ on the resulting instance, just once . 上面的代码将在类上调用__new__ ,然后在生成的实例上调用__init__ ,只需调用一次 The SingletonMeta.__call__ implementation then, forever after, returns the singleton instance without further calls: 然后, SingletonMeta.__call__实现永远在不执行任何进一步调用的情况下返回单例实例:

>>> class SingletonMeta(type):
...     def __new__(mcls, *args, **kwargs):
...         cls = super().__new__(mcls, *args, **kwargs)
...         cls._instance = None
...         return cls
...     def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
...         print(f'Calling {cls!r}(*{args!r}, **{kwargs!r})')
...         if cls._instance is None:
...             cls._instance = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
...         return cls._instance
>>> class Singleton(metaclass=SingletonMeta):
...     pass
>>> class MyClass(Singleton):
...     def __init__(self, real=5, imaginary=6):
...         print(f'Calling {type(self)!r}.__init__(self, real={real!r}, imaginary={imaginary!r})')
...         self.real = real
...         self.imaginary = imaginary
>>> a = MyClass(10, 20)
Calling <class '__main__.MyClass'>(*(10, 20), **{})
Calling <class '__main__.MyClass'>.__init__(self, real=10, imaginary=20)
>>> MyClass()
Calling <class '__main__.MyClass'>(*(), **{})
<__main__.MyClass object at 0x10bf33a58>
>>> MyClass() is a
Calling <class '__main__.MyClass'>(*(), **{})
>>> MyClass().real
Calling <class '__main__.MyClass'>(*(), **{})

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