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Processing.py 空白窗口问题

[英]Processing.py blank window issue

I tried writing an A* alg using processing.py but I am having an issue with the beginning of the code: my window is totally blank我尝试使用 processing.py 编写 A* alg,但代码开头有问题:我的窗口完全空白

So, I want a grid to appear waiting for the user to click on a cell and then to fill that cell with a black rectangle.所以,我希望出现一个网格,等待用户单击一个单元格,然后用黑色矩形填充该单元格。 But, I only want this to run at the beginning of my code so I didn't put it in the draw function.但是,我只希望它在我的代码的开头运行,所以我没有把它放在 draw 函数中。

Here is my code:这是我的代码:

taille = 400
pas = taille // 20

def setup():
    size(taille, taille)
    background(255, 255, 255)
    for i in range(pas, taille, pas):
        line(i, 0, i, taille)
        line(0, i, taille, i)

def drawRect():    
    x, y = pressed()
    for i in range(1, taille // pas - 1):
        for j in range(1, taille // pas - 1):
            if i * pas <= x and x <= (i + 1) * pas:
                if j * pas <= y and y <= (j + 1) * pas:
                    rect(i * pas, j * pas, pas, pas)

def pressed():
    while True:
        if mousePressed:
            return (mouseX, mouseY)        

I highly suspect that the error is coming from the drawRect function since I managed to display the grid before adding it.我高度怀疑错误来自 drawRect 函数,因为我在添加网格之前设法显示了它。

So, I want a grid to appear waiting for the user to click on a cell and then to fill that cell with a black rectangle.所以,我希望出现一个网格,等待用户单击一个单元格,然后用黑色矩形填充该单元格。 But, I only want this to run at the beginning of my code so I didn't put it in the draw function.但是,我只希望它在我的代码的开头运行,所以我没有把它放在 draw 函数中。

Anyway I recommend to use a draw function, to continuously draw the scene dependent on the current states of your program.无论如何,我建议使用draw功能,根据程序的当前状态连续绘制场景。

Note, your program hangs in an endless loop.请注意,您的程序会无限循环。 The variables mousePressed , mouseX and mouseY are never updated.变量mousePressedmouseXmouseY永远不会更新。 This variables don't change their state magically.这个变量不会神奇地改变它们的状态。 They change their state between 2 frames, after the draw function has been executed Processing does the event handling and changes the built in variables.它们在 2 帧之间更改状态,在执行draw函数后, Processing会进行事件处理并更改内置变量。 You don't give Processing any chance to do this job.您不会给Processing任何机会来完成这项工作。

Create to variables, which notice the x and y window coordinate of the "click":创建变量,注意“点击”的 x 和 y 窗口坐标:

enter_x = -1
enter_y = -1

Implement the mousePressed event to receive the "click":实现mousePressed事件以接收“点击”:

def mousePressed():
global enter_x, enter_y
if enter_x < 0 or enter_y < 0:
    enter_x = mouseX
    enter_y = mouseY 

Draw the black rectangle to the if the "click" coordinates are valid ( >= 0 ) in the draw function :如果“单击”坐标在draw function中有效( >= 0 ),则将黑色矩形绘制到:

def draw():   
    global enter_x, enter_y

    if enter_x >= 0 and enter_y >= 0:
        ix = enter_x // pas
        iy = enter_y // pas
        rect(ix * pas, iy * pas, pas, pas)

The full code may look like this:完整的代码可能如下所示:

taille = 400
pas = taille // 20

def setup():
    size(taille, taille)
    background(255, 255, 255)
    for i in range(pas, taille, pas):
        line(i, 0, i, taille) 
        line(0, i, taille, i)

enter_x = -1
enter_y = -1

def mousePressed():
    global enter_x, enter_y
    if enter_x < 0 or enter_y < 0:
        enter_x = mouseX
        enter_y = mouseY    

def draw():   
    global enter_x, enter_y

    if enter_x >= 0 and enter_y >= 0:
        ix = enter_x // pas
        iy = enter_y // pas
        rect(ix * pas, iy * pas, pas, pas)

Note, it may be necessary to draw the grid in the draw function too.请注意,也可能需要在draw函数中绘制网格。 In general it is better to redraw the scene every frame, than "undoing" something what has been draw.一般来说,最好每帧重新绘制场景,而不是“撤消”已绘制的内容。

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