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[英]Toggle selector CSS with multiple values

This is what I have: 这就是我所拥有的:

A SVG with several lines. 具有多行的SVG。 These have types as CSS classes. 这些具有作为CSS类的类型。 For example: .pen1 .pen2 .pen3 .pen4. 例如: .pen1 .pen2 .pen3 .pen4。 and .special 和.special

Every line has one of the first four and can have .spcial! 每行都有前四个之一,并且可以有.spcial! There are also some .special only lines. 也有一些.special only行。

It's possible do activate and deactivate each of these classes with buttons. 可以通过按钮来激活和停用这些类别。

My problem is: 我的问题是:

(Line A has .pen1, Line B has .pen1 .special, Line C has .pen2, Line D has .pen2 .special) (A行具有.pen1,B行具有.pen1 .special,C行具有.pen2,D行具有.pen2 .special)

Following procedure: 步骤如下:

  • 1) I click the button for .pen1: A & B disappear 1)我单击.pen1的按钮:A和B消失
  • 2) I click the button for .special: D disapperas and B appears 2)我点击.special按钮:D disapperas和B出现
  • 3) I click the button for .pen1: A appears & B disappear 3)我单击.pen1的按钮:A出现&B消失

But I need both to disappear in 2) and after that both should reappear in 3). 但我都需要在2)中消失,然后在3)中都重新出现。

My current solution is, If I press the button for .pen1 i set a flag that it was pressed and test this flag when I press .special --> This works, but only if only one class has its own and the .special class 我当前的解决方案是,如果按.pen1的按钮,则设置一个标志,表示已按下该标志,并在按.special时测试此标志->此方法有效,但前提是只有一个类具有自己的.special类

This is my code right now: 这是我现在的代码:

for special toggling: 对于特殊切换:

if (this._pen1|| this._pen2|| this.pen3|| this.pen4 ){
      if (this.special) {
        if (this.pen1) {
          [...].find('svg .' + _PENSTYLES.special).not('.' + _PENSTYLES.pen1).hide(0);
        if (this.pen2) {
          [...].find('svg .' + _PENSTYLES.special).not('.' + _PENSTYLES.pen2).hide(0);
        if (this.pen3) {
          [...].find('svg .' + _PENSTYLES.special).not('.' + _PENSTYLES.pen3).hide(0);
        if (this.pen4) {
          [...].find('svg .' + _PENSTYLES.special).not('.' + _PENSTYLES.pen4).hide(0);
      } else {
        if (this.pen1) {
          [...].find('svg .' + _PENSTYLES.special).not('.' + _PENSTYLES.pen1).show(0);
        if (this.pen2) {
          [...].find('svg .' + _PENSTYLES.special).not('.' + _PENSTYLES.pen2).show(0);
        if (this.pen3) {
          [...].find('svg .' + _PENSTYLES.special).not('.' + _PENSTYLES.pen3).show(0);
        if (this.pen4) {
          [...].find('svg .' + _PENSTYLES.special).not('.' + _PENSTYLES.pen4).show(0);
    } else {
      [...].find('svg .' + _PENSTYLES.special).toggle(0);
    this.special= !this.special;

for pen1-4 toggling: 对于pen1-4切换:

    if (this.special) {
      [...].find('svg .' + _PENSTYLES.pen1).not('.' + _PENSTYLES.special).toggle(0);
    } else {
      [...].find('svg .' + _PENSTYLES.pen1).toggle(0);
    this.pen1= !this.pen1;  

I hope someone can help me how I do it for my problem with multiple lines. 我希望有人可以帮我解决多行问题。 Because right now they pen2 overrides pen1 and show/hides everything which was excluded in the others. 因为现在它们pen2会覆盖pen1并显示/隐藏其他所有东西。

I will give you a hint. 我会给你一个提示。 You can always add another , Same named , class for elements that you want to toggle. 您始终可以为要切换的元素添加另一个同名类。 .pen1 and .pen2 can both have class "hidden" with some attributes in it. .pen1和.pen2都可以具有某些属性的“隐藏”类。 Hope it helps :) 希望能帮助到你 :)

Here's a simplification of what I think you're looking for to get you started. 这是我认为您正在寻找的入门的简化。 Run the snippet to see it work. 运行该代码段以查看其工作原理。

 var hidden = []; function toggle(classname) { if (hidden.indexOf(classname) > -1) { hidden.splice(hidden.indexOf(classname), 1); getElements(classname).forEach(function(ele) { ele.classList.remove("hidden"); }); } else { hidden.push(classname); } hidden.forEach(function(hide) { getElements(hide).forEach(function(ele) { ele.classList.add("hidden") }); }) } function getElements(classname) { return Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName(classname)); } 
 html { font-family: sans-serif; } .root { display: flex; } .root>div { flex: 0 0 80px; } button{ width: 70px; } svg line { stroke-width: 2; } .special { stroke: red; stroke-dasharray: 5; } .pen1 { stroke: blue; } .pen2 { stroke: green; } .pen3 { stroke: goldenrod; } .pen4 { stroke: DarkOrchid; } text { font-size: 14px; } .hidden { display: none; } 
 <div class="root"> <div> <button onclick="toggle('pen1')">.pen1</button> <button onclick="toggle('pen2')">.pen2</button> <button onclick="toggle('pen3')">.pen3</button> <button onclick="toggle('pen4')">.pen4</button> <button onclick="toggle('special')">.special</button> </div> <svg width="400" height="200" viewBox="0 0 400 200"> <rect width="400" height="200" fill="#efefef" /> <line class="pen1" y1="20" y2="20" x1="0" x2="300" /> <line class="pen2" y1="40" y2="40" x1="0" x2="300" /> <line class="pen3" y1="60" y2="60" x1="0" x2="300" /> <line class="pen4" y1="80" y2="80" x1="0" x2="300" /> <line class="pen1 special" y1="100" y2="100" x1="0" x2="300" /> <line class="pen2 special" y1="120" y2="120" x1="0" x2="300" /> <line class="pen3 special" y1="140" y2="140" x1="0" x2="300" /> <line class="pen4 special" y1="160" y2="160" x1="0" x2="300" /> <line class="special" y1="180" y2="180" x1="0" x2="300" /> <text x="310" y="20" alignment-baseline="middle">.pen1</text> <text x="310" y="40" alignment-baseline="middle">.pen2</text> <text x="310" y="60" alignment-baseline="middle">.pen3</text> <text x="310" y="80" alignment-baseline="middle">.pen4</text> <text x="310" y="100" alignment-baseline="middle">.pen1 .special</text> <text x="310" y="120" alignment-baseline="middle">.pen2 .special</text> <text x="310" y="140" alignment-baseline="middle">.pen3 .special</text> <text x="310" y="160" alignment-baseline="middle">.pen4 .special</text> <text x="310" y="180" alignment-baseline="middle">.special</text> </svg> </div> 

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