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[英]Replacing NAs witha new factor level in one column based on factor level in another column using data.table

DATA = data.table(col_1 = factor(c("A", "B", "C", "C", "B", "A", "C")),
                  col_2 = factor(c("stuff", NA, NA, "stuff", NA, "different_stuff", NA)))

I have a big data set in which I would like to replace the NAs from col2 , that correspond to C from col1 , with a new factor level, eg yet_another_stuff . 我有一个大数据集,其中我要用新的因子级别(例如yet_another_stuff替换col2中对应于col1 CNAs There are more NAs than there are observations with C level and I don't want to replace the NAs that belong to other level like B . NAs超过了C级的观测值,我不想替换像B一样属于其他级别的NAs

After uploading this data set the columns are already of class factor. 上载此数据集后,列已属于类别因子。

I would highly prefer to do so using data.table package due to the size of the data set. 由于数据集的大小,我非常希望使用data.table包来这样做。


DATA[is.na(col_2) & col_1 == "C", col_2 := "yet_another_stuff"]

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