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如何在Web3 v1中使用带有ERC20令牌的应付款功能

[英]How to use a payable function with a ERC20 token with web3 v1

I have a function in my Ethereum smart contract with the following interface 我的以太坊智能合约中具有以下界面的功能

// submitting a review requires a payment
function addReview(string review) public payable

Using web3 v1 invoking this function would be something like this 使用web3 v1调用此功能将类似于以下内容

 from: accounts[0],

How can I invoke this function with a different ERC20 token rather than using Ether? 如何使用其他ERC20令牌而不是Ether调用此函数?

If your payable function is foo and takes 1 parameter and you want to send x amount of ether and contract is the contract you want to refer to, you would invoke it like that: 如果您的应付款功能是foo并带有1个参数,并且您想发送x数量的以太币,而contract是您要引用的合同,则可以这样调用它:


I hope it is clear. 我希望这很清楚。

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