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[英]How to take user input as function input

I am trying to make my function take an name from the user which would check if the name is in a whitelist before executing a function that prints draws out information from a pre-defined list of the same name but the entered input is being processed as a string by the function instead of the name of the list. 我试图让我的函数从用户那里取一个名字,该名字将在执行一个函数时检查该名字是否在白名单中,该函数从具有相同名字的预定义列表中提取信息,但是输入的输入将被处理为函数的字符串,而不是列表的名称。 How do I get it to take in the input as the name of the list? 如何获取输入内容作为列表的名称?

hydrogen = ["Hydrogen", "H", "1", "1.0"]
helium = ["Helium", "He", "2", "4.0"]

universe = ["hydrogen", "helium"]

elementname_print = "Element Name: "
elementsymbol_print = "Element Symbol: "
atomicnumber_print = "Atomic Number: "
relativeatomicmass_print = "Relative Atomic Mass: "

def printelement(element):
  print(f" \n-------------------------")
  print(elementname_print + element[0])
  print(elementsymbol_print + element[1])
  print(atomicnumber_print + element[2])
  print(relativeatomicmass_print + element[3])

userinput = input("-->")
if userinput in universe:
  print("Sorry that element cannot be found.")

Result: 结果:

--> hydrogen ->氢

Element Name: h 元素名称:h

Element Symbol: y 元素符号:y

Atomic Number: d 原子数:d

Relative Atomic Mass: r 相对原子质量:r

You should, rather than defining your elements in global scope as hydrogen = ... , define them inside a dictionary keyed by their name. 您应该在全局范围内将元素定义为以它们的名称为键的字典中,而不是将它们定义为hydrogen = ...

elements = {"hydrogen": ["Hydrogen", "H", "1", "1.0"],
            "helium": ["Helium", "He", "2", "4.0"]}

the lookup then becomes much easier. 查找变得容易得多。

def print_element(element_name):
    element = elements[element_name]
    # the rest as written

Note that you can clean up your code quite a bit: 请注意,您可以清理代码很多:

elements = {"hydrogen": ["Hydrogen", "H", "1", "1.0"],
            "helium": ["Helium", "He", "2", "4.0"]}

def print_element(element_name):
    element = elements[element_name]
    name, symbol, number, mass = element

Element Name:         {name}
Element Symbol:       {symbol}
Atomic Number:        {number}
Relative Atomic Mass: {mass}

userinput = input("-->")
if userinput in elements:
    print("Sorry that element cannot be found.")

There are ways to make your chosen solution work ( eval will do it, but introduce huge security risks. globals() will do it, but introduce a large performance overhead), but they're all ugly. 有多种方法可以使您选择的解决方案起作用( eval可以做到,但是会带来巨大的安全风险globals()可以做到,但是会带来很大的性能开销),但是它们都很难看。 Writing an ugly hack is objectively worse than using the right approach in the first place 从客观上讲,编写丑陋的hack比使用正确的方法更糟糕

You can eval the string input to the corresponding variable : 您可以评估输入到相应变量的字符串:


Rest code remains the same. 其余代码保持不变。

PS : This is a quick hack, using eval is unsafe. PS:这是一个快速的技巧,使用eval是不安全的。

Basically your need to get a list corresponding to the user input. 基本上,您需要获取与用户输入相对应的列表。 Use globals() : 使用globals()

  lst = globals()[userinput]

So in your example, if user types in 'hydrogen' , this will give the list hydrogen . 因此,在您的示例中,如果用户输入'hydrogen' ,则将给出列表hydrogen Now do your printings. 现在开始打印。

Complete example : 完整的例子

hydrogen = ["Hydrogen", "H", "1", "1.0"]
helium = ["Helium", "He", "2", "4.0"]
universe = ["hydrogen", "helium"]

elementname_print = "Element Name: "
elementsymbol_print = "Element Symbol: "
atomicnumber_print = "Atomic Number: "
relativeatomicmass_print = "Relative Atomic Mass: "

def printelement(element):
  print(f" \n-------------------------")
  print(elementname_print + element[0])
  print(elementsymbol_print + element[1])
  print(atomicnumber_print + element[2])
  print(relativeatomicmass_print + element[3])

userinput = input("-->")
if userinput in universe:
  lst = globals()[userinput]
  print("Sorry that element cannot be found.")

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