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How to take user input as function input

I am trying to make my function take an name from the user which would check if the name is in a whitelist before executing a function that prints draws out information from a pre-defined list of the same name but the entered input is being processed as a string by the function instead of the name of the list. How do I get it to take in the input as the name of the list?

hydrogen = ["Hydrogen", "H", "1", "1.0"]
helium = ["Helium", "He", "2", "4.0"]

universe = ["hydrogen", "helium"]

elementname_print = "Element Name: "
elementsymbol_print = "Element Symbol: "
atomicnumber_print = "Atomic Number: "
relativeatomicmass_print = "Relative Atomic Mass: "

def printelement(element):
  print(f" \n-------------------------")
  print(elementname_print + element[0])
  print(elementsymbol_print + element[1])
  print(atomicnumber_print + element[2])
  print(relativeatomicmass_print + element[3])

userinput = input("-->")
if userinput in universe:
  print("Sorry that element cannot be found.")


--> hydrogen

Element Name: h

Element Symbol: y

Atomic Number: d

Relative Atomic Mass: r

You should, rather than defining your elements in global scope as hydrogen = ... , define them inside a dictionary keyed by their name.

elements = {"hydrogen": ["Hydrogen", "H", "1", "1.0"],
            "helium": ["Helium", "He", "2", "4.0"]}

the lookup then becomes much easier.

def print_element(element_name):
    element = elements[element_name]
    # the rest as written

Note that you can clean up your code quite a bit:

elements = {"hydrogen": ["Hydrogen", "H", "1", "1.0"],
            "helium": ["Helium", "He", "2", "4.0"]}

def print_element(element_name):
    element = elements[element_name]
    name, symbol, number, mass = element

Element Name:         {name}
Element Symbol:       {symbol}
Atomic Number:        {number}
Relative Atomic Mass: {mass}

userinput = input("-->")
if userinput in elements:
    print("Sorry that element cannot be found.")

There are ways to make your chosen solution work ( eval will do it, but introduce huge security risks. globals() will do it, but introduce a large performance overhead), but they're all ugly. Writing an ugly hack is objectively worse than using the right approach in the first place

You can eval the string input to the corresponding variable :


Rest code remains the same.

PS : This is a quick hack, using eval is unsafe.

Basically your need to get a list corresponding to the user input. Use globals() :

  lst = globals()[userinput]

So in your example, if user types in 'hydrogen' , this will give the list hydrogen . Now do your printings.

Complete example :

hydrogen = ["Hydrogen", "H", "1", "1.0"]
helium = ["Helium", "He", "2", "4.0"]
universe = ["hydrogen", "helium"]

elementname_print = "Element Name: "
elementsymbol_print = "Element Symbol: "
atomicnumber_print = "Atomic Number: "
relativeatomicmass_print = "Relative Atomic Mass: "

def printelement(element):
  print(f" \n-------------------------")
  print(elementname_print + element[0])
  print(elementsymbol_print + element[1])
  print(atomicnumber_print + element[2])
  print(relativeatomicmass_print + element[3])

userinput = input("-->")
if userinput in universe:
  lst = globals()[userinput]
  print("Sorry that element cannot be found.")

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