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[英]Word input from one line in the textbox to another

I have 5 text boxes marked with NX1, NX2, NX3 .... NX5. 我有5个文本框,标有NX1,NX2,NX3 .... NX5。

I have a Textbox marked with Textbox2 that contains lines like: 我有一个标有Textbox2的文本框,其中包含如下行:

2 4 6 8 11
1 2 3 4 12
3 4 7 9 13
4 5 7 9 14

Is there a possibility to enter the first word / number from TextBox2 Lines (0) in NX1? 是否可以从NX1中的TextBox2行(0)输入第一个单词/数字? ie First Word (number 2 in NX1), (Second Word) number 4 in NX2, number 6 in NX3 and number 8 in NX4. 例如,第一个单词(NX1中的数字2),(第二个单词)NX2中的数字4,NX3中的数字6和NX4中的数字8。 and so on. 等等。

I tried this: 我尝试了这个:

 Dim mytext As String
        Dim counter As Integer
        mytext = TextBox1.Text
        For counter = 1 To Len(TextBox1.Text)
            If Mid$(mytext, counter, 1) = " " Then
                GoTo NextPart
            End If
        Next counter
        MsgBox("'" + Mid$(mytext, 1, counter - 1) + "'")
        MsgBox("'" + Mid$(mytext, 2, counter - 1) + "'")

Get the TextBox.Lines(0) . 获取TextBox.Lines(0) That's the first line of text. 那是文本的第一 If the text parts are separated by a white space, just Split() the text (white space is the default separator). 如果文本部分由空格分隔,则只需对文本进行Split() (空白是默认的分隔符)。
If it's not, specify the separator: Split("[SomeChar]"c) . 如果不是,请指定分隔符: Split("[SomeChar]"c)

You'll get 5 strings in a String() array. 您将在String()数组中获得5个字符串。 Assing String(0) to NX1 etc. String(0) NX1NX1

Dim FirstLine As String = TextBox2.Lines(0)
Dim AllParts As String() = FirstLine.Split()
NX1.Text = AllParts(0)
NX2.Text = AllParts(1)

Repeat the same procedure if you need the other text lines. 如果需要其他文本行,请重复相同的步骤。

You could also use LINQ to perform the string assignments: 您还可以使用LINQ来执行字符串分配:

AllParts.Select(Function(s, i) Me.Controls("NX" & (i + 1)).Text = s).ToList()

Or, assemble everything in one expression: 或者,将所有内容组合成一个表达式:

TextBox2.Lines(0).Split().Select(Function(s, i) Me.Controls("NX" & (i + 1)).Text = s).ToList()

A description of this method: 此方法的说明:

[TextBox].Lines(0)    => Returns the first line of text in a TextBoxBase control
Split()               => Splits the text content using the default separator. 
                         Returns an array of String
Select((string, int)) => Selects each string returned by the Split() method and updates
                         the index of each iteration.
                         Performs an action: sets a control`s Text property.
ToList()              => Materializes the Enumerable collection returned by Select()
                         If omitted, in this case, the iteration is performed just once 

Me.Controls("NX" & (i + 1)).Text = s : Me.Controls("NX" & (i + 1)).Text = s
Returns a Form 's Control which name is "NX" + a number and assigns a string to its Text property. 返回一个Form控件,其名称为"NX" +一个数字,并将字符串分配给它的Text属性。

You can use String.Split() to split the string. 您可以使用String.Split()拆分字符串。

Dim columns = TextBox2.Lines(0).Split()
For i = 0 To columns.Length - 1
    Controls.Item("NX" & (i + 1)).Text = columns(i)

The Lines property of the TextBox returns a string array containing the lines of the entered text. TextBoxLines属性返回一个包含输入文本行的字符串数组。

String.Split() with no parameters splits a string at white spaces and returns a string array containing the parts (the columns of the first lines in this case). 不带参数的String.Split()在空白处分割字符串,并返回包含部分(在这种情况下为第一行的列)的字符串数组。

The Controls property of the form returns a controls collection. 窗体的Controls属性返回一个控件集合。 The indexed Item property of the controls collection accepts either an Integer index or a control name as String . 控件集合的索引Item属性接受Integer索引或控件名称作为String

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