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[英]Try except statement in python execution

Suppose I am making calls to a web api that requires a wait of 4 seconds after the limit is exceeded. 假设我正在调用一个Web API,超过该限制后需要等待4秒钟。 Using a try except loop and the time package I can have the program pause if the exception is encountered. 如果遇到异常,使用tryexcept循环和时间包可以使程序暂停。 If I am working with pandas indices in an iterative loop, will the program pick up where it left off? 如果我在迭代循环中使用pandas索引,程序会在中断的地方继续执行吗? Example: 例:

i = 0
while i < len(df):
        df['A'] = df[i:i + 10].apply(lambda x: api_call(x['B'])[0] + 10)
    except IndexError:
i += 10

If the exception is raised on df[12], after the program has paused for 5 seconds, how do I get the program to pick up at the index that caused the exception (signaling that the program exceeded the number of calls allowed)? 如果在df [12]上引发了异常,则在程序暂停5秒钟后,如何使程序从导致异常的索引处接听(信号表示程序超出了允许的调用次数)?

I think you just need an else block on your try...except code. 我认为您只需要在try...except代码上添加else块。

i = 0
while i < len(df):
        df['A'] = df[i:i + 10].apply(lambda x: api_call(x['B'])[0] + 10)
    except IndexError:
        i += 10

This makes it so that i += 10 only runs if the try block doesn't raise an exception. 这使得i += 10仅在try块未引发异常时运行。 Otherwise the loop repeats with the same i value. 否则,循环将以相同的i值重复。

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