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如何创建自定义组件? 访问私有字段时出错

[英]How to create a custom components? Error accessing private field

I want to create a new component derived from TPanel. 我想创建一个从TPanel派生的新组件。 This new component has only one private field: "obj" (a TObject). 这个新组件只有一个私有字段:“ obj”(一个TObject)。
In the constructor I create the object. 在构造函数中,我创建对象。 Later, when I try to access the object it is NULL. 以后,当我尝试访问该对象时,它为NULL。 Why? 为什么?

Header: 标头:

class PACKAGE TMyClass : public TPanel
    TObject *obj;
   __fastcall TMyClass(TComponent* Owner);
   void Stuff();

CPP file: CPP文件:

__fastcall TMyClass::TMyClass(TComponent* Owner)
   : TPanel(Owner)
    Caption        = "";
    DoubleBuffered = True;
    Width          = 385;
    Height         = 65;

    TObject *obj= new TObject;     //obj gets an address here

void TMyClass::Stuff()      // <---- I call this method in the OnClick event of a button.
   Caption = obj->ClassName();    //obj is NULL here

namespace Uvolctrl
{ void __fastcall PACKAGE Register()
   {  TComponentClass classes[1] = {__classid(TMyClass)};
       RegisterComponents(L"Samples", classes, 0); } }

static inline void ValidCtrCheck(TMyClass *)   // assure that the components do not have any pure virtual functions.
{ new TMyClass(NULL);    }


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