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Enthought Canopy中的“导入数据”命令失败,并显示:“数据导入工具需要……”

[英]Import Data command in Enthought Canopy fails with: “The Data Import Tool requires…"

Import Data command in Enthought Canopy fails with: Enthought Canopy中的“导入数据”命令失败,并显示以下信息:

The Data Import Tool requires that the Canopy Python kernel be running in Pylab mode with Qt4 interactive backend. 数据导入工具要求Canopy Python内核在具有Qt4交互式后端的Pylab模式下运行。 You can change back to this setting in your Canopy preferences (Python tab). 您可以在Canopy首选项(“ Python”选项卡)中更改回此设置。

I have changed the stated settings in preferences as the error message suggests. 错误消息提示,我已更改了首选项中所述的设置。

What could be the problem? 可能是什么问题呢?

If you're running Python 3.5, perhaps you didn't install the PyQt packages? 如果您运行的是Python 3.5,也许您没有安装PyQt软件包? If you are a subscriber, please feel free to submit a feedback report from the Canopy Help menu which will provide Enthought with your configuration info. 如果您是订户,请随时从Canopy帮助菜单中提交反馈报告,该菜单将为Enthought提供您的配置信息。 (If you are not a logged-in subscriber, then the Data Import Tool is not supported anyway, though I would not expect this error message in that case.) (如果您不是登录订户,那么无论如何都不会支持数据导入工具,尽管在这种情况下我不希望看到此错误消息。)

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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