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python bigquery获取外部表元数据

[英]python bigquery get external table meta data

I want to get the external meta data of a table created in bigquery. 我想获取在bigquery中创建的表的外部元数据。 The table was created like this: 该表是这样创建的:

table_ref = self._client.dataset('test').table('test')
table = bigquery.Table(table_ref)

self._extconfig = bigquery.ExternalConfig('AVRO')
self._extconfig.autodetect = True
self._extconfig.source_uris = ['gs://someproject/bucket/dir/file*.avro']
table.external_data_configuration = self._extconfig

Now i want to access the meta data stored in external_data_configuration' like this: 现在我想像这样访问存储在external_data_configuration'的元数据:

dataset = self._client.dataset('test')
table_ref = dataset.table('test')
table = bigquery.Table(table_ref)

But all i receive is None for table_type, where i would expect 'AVRO' and also None for external_data_configuration. 但是我所收到的只是table_type的None,我期望的是“ AVRO”,而external_data_configuration的None。

Is there a way to get the external_data_configuration, especially the source_uris for external tables? 有没有一种方法可以获取external_data_configuration,尤其是外部表的source_uris

Try this instead: 尝试以下方法:

dataset = self._client.dataset('test')
table_ref = dataset.table('test')
table = self._client.get_table(table_ref)

The get_table will fetch all the information of the table into the table variable. get_table会将表的所有信息提取到table变量中。

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