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[英]How to make a non list Loop that will select 4 random numbers from 1-10, and display them, but they cannot be the same?

import random
counter = 0
count = 0
counting = 0
valueOne = 0
valueTwo = 0
while counter ==0:
    playerOne = random.randint(1,10)
    number = random.randint(1,10)

About right here is where I get confused. 关于这里,这让我感到困惑。 It will run the loop, but every time it runs, the random values get reset, and even if the first time it prints a random number, the second time it might print the same and so forth. 它将运行循环,但是每次运行时,随机值都会重置,即使第一次打印随机数,第二次也可能打印相同,依此类推。

    if number == playerOne:
        count = count + 1
    if number != playerOne:
        valueOne = playerOne

        if number != valueOne:

            print("lotto number",number)
            counting = counting + 1
        if counting >= 4:
            print("it took you this many trys",count)
            input('play again?')
            counting = 0
            count = 0

Should list the numbers in 1-10 (inclusive) then randomly sample them. 应列出1-10(含)之间的数字,然后随机抽样。

random.sample(range(1,11), 4)

random.sample docs random.sample文档

range docs 范围文档

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