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STL std :: sort()使用Introsort,但是它如何工作?

[英]STL std::sort() uses Introsort, but how does it work?

I don't really get the Introsort algorithm. 我不太了解Introsort算法。 As you can see I added the pseudocode of it. 如您所见,我添加了它的伪代码。 What is meant by the maxdepth? 最大深度是什么意思?

What does that mean " ⌊log(length(A))⌋ × 2 " 这是什么意思“ ⌊log(length(A))⌋ × 2

I hope someone can explain it to me. 我希望有人可以向我解释。

 procedure sort(A : array):
        let maxdepth = ⌊log(length(A))⌋ × 2
        introsort(A, maxdepth)

procedure introsort(A, maxdepth):
    n ← length(A)
    p ← partition(A)  // assume this function does pivot selection, p is the final position of the pivot
    if n ≤ 1:
        return  // base case
    else if maxdepth = 0:
        introsort(A[0:p], maxdepth - 1)
        introsort(A[p+1:n], maxdepth - 1)

Re your question on ⌊log(length(A))⌋ × 2 , the ⌊...⌋ bit simply means floor , the highest integer less than or equal to the value. ⌊log(length(A))⌋ × 2⌊log(length(A))⌋ × 2您的问题,the ⌊...⌋位仅表示floor ,即小于或等于该值的最高整数。

In a less mathematical language, it would be int(log(length(A))) * 2 . 用较少的数学语言,它将是int(log(length(A))) * 2

And just in case someone brings up the difference between floor (round toward -∞ ) and int (round toward 0 ), it's irrelevant here as the length must be a non-negative integer. 万一有人提出了floor (朝-∞舍入)和int (朝0舍入)之差,这在这里是无关紧要的,因为长度必须是非负整数。 You'll still run into mathematical trouble if the length is zero but that's an exceptional case since it probably doesn't need sorting :-) 如果长度为零,您仍然会遇到数学上的麻烦,但这是一个例外情况,因为它可能不需要排序:-)

As to why maxdepth exists, this is obviously an algorithm based on trees - the use of log also supports this since the depth of a balanced tree tends to be proportional to the logarithm of the number of nodes in it. 至于为什么 maxdepth存在,显然这是一种基于树的算法log的使用也支持这一点,因为平衡树的深度往往与其中的节点数的对数成正比。

What seems to be happening is that, if the introsort gets beyond a certain depth, it just switches over to heapsort for the remainder. 似乎正在发生的事情是,如果内省型超出了某个深度,它将仅切换到堆式剩余部分。

And, just one minor note: std::sort() is not required to use Introsort (as your title seems to imply), the standard mandates behaviour such as at most Nlog 2 N comparisons, where N=last-first but otherwise makes no demands on algorithm choice. 而且,只是一个小小的提醒: std::sort() 不需要使用内省排序(如您的标题似乎暗示),该标准规定的行为,如at most Nlog 2 N comparisons, where N=last-first但其他品牌无需算法选择。

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