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[英]Replace a repeating pattern using regex

I want to replace all non quoted array keys in my source code : 我想在源代码中替换所有未引用的数组键:


with quoted array keys: 引用的数组键:


For single dimension arrays this regexp allows me to do this : 对于单维数组,这个正则表达式允许我这样做:

preg_replace('/\$([a-z-_0-9]+)(\[([a-z][a-zA-Z-_0-9]+)\])+/', '\$$1['$3']', $input_lines);

test : https://www.phpliveregex.com/p/pXc 测试: https//www.phpliveregex.com/p/pXc

Note all my keys start with a lower case letter. 请注意我的所有键都以小写字母开头。

My problem comes when I have multi dimension arrays and I want to change: 当我有多维数组并且我想要改变时,我的问题出现了:


to : 至 :


or even 甚至




for larger dimension-ed arrays. 对于较大尺寸的数组。 Any attempt I make to match the pattern multiple times ends up matching between the first opening bracket [ and the last one ] as one match. 我做多次匹配模式的尝试最终在第一个开口括号[和最后一个]匹配作为一个匹配。

Edit: Reason for doing this is to avoid errors and notices like this 编辑:执行此操作的原因是为了避免错误和通知

E_NOTICE : type 8 -- Use of undefined constant key - assumed 'key' -- at line 2 

in my logs 在我的日志中

Note: take care of predefined constants. 注意:注意预定义的常量。 This doesn't and can't ignore them. 这不会也不能忽略它们。

You are in need of a continuous match using \\G . 您需要使用\\G进行连续匹配。 Use preg_replace with the following regex: preg_replace与以下正则表达式一起使用:


and put the following string as the substitution string: 并将以下字符串作为替换字符串:


See live demo here 在这里查看现场演示

PHP code: PHP代码:

preg_replace('~(\$\w+\[|\G(?!\A)\[)([^][\'"]+)\]~', '$1\'$2\']', $str);

Regex break down: 正则表达式崩溃:

  • ( Start of capturing group #1 (开始捕获组#1
    • \\$\\w+\\[ Match a $ then some word characters then an opening bracket \\$\\w+\\[匹配$然后是一些单词字符然后是一个左括号
    • | Or 要么
    • \\G(?!\\A) Start match from where previous match ends \\G(?!\\A)从上一场比赛结束的地方开始比赛
    • \\[ Match an opening bracket \\[匹配一个开口括号
  • ) End of capturing group #1 )捕获组#1结束
  • ( Start of capturing group #2 (开始捕获组#2
    • [^]['"]+ Match anything but [ , ] , ' and " [^]['"]+匹配[]'"
  • ) End of capturing group #2 )捕获组#2结束
  • \\] Match a closing bracket \\]匹配一个结束括号

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