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[英]Pass multiple columns in dataframe into function at once in R

After much searching, I can't seem to figure this out. 经过大量搜索,我似乎无法弄清楚。 Trying to write a function that: 尝试编写一个函数:

  • takes a data frame, db 需要一个数据帧,db
  • groups the data frame by var1 按var1分组数据帧
  • returns the mean and sd by group on several different columns 在几个不同的列上按组返回均值和sd

Here is my function, 这是我的职能,

myfun <- function(db,var1, ...) {

  var1 <- enquo(var1)
  var2 <- quos(...)

  for (i in var2) {

  db %>% 
    group_by(!!var1) %>%       
    summarise(mean_var = mean(!!!var2))


when I pass the following, nothing returns 当我通过以下内容时,没有任何回报

myfun(data, group, age, bmi)

Ideally, I would like to group both age and bmi by group and return the mean and sd for each. 理想情况下,我希望将age和bmi分组,并分别返回其均值和sd。 In the future, I would like to pass many more columns from data into the function... 将来,我想将更多列从数据传递到函数中。

The output would be similar to summaryBy from doby package, but on many columns at once and would look like: 输出将与doby包中的summaryBy相似,但同时在许多列上将显示为:

Group   age.mean    age.sd
        bmi.mean    bmi.sd

Your loop appears to be unnecessary (you aren't doing anything with i ). 您的循环似乎是不必要的(您没有对i进行任何操作)。 Instead, you could use summarize_at to achieve the effect you want: 相反,您可以使用summarize_at达到所需的效果:

myfun <- function(db,var1, ...) {

  var1 <- enquo(var1)
  var2 <- quos(...)

    db %>% 
      group_by(!!var1) %>%       
      summarise_at(vars(!!!var2), c(mean = mean, sd = sd))


And if we test it out with diamonds dataset: 如果我们用钻石数据集进行测试:

myfun(diamonds, cut, x, z)

  cut       x_mean z_mean  x_sd  z_sd
  <ord>      <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Fair        6.25   3.98 0.964 0.652
2 Good        5.84   3.64 1.06  0.655
3 Very Good   5.74   3.56 1.10  0.730
4 Premium     5.97   3.65 1.19  0.731
5 Ideal       5.51   3.40 1.06  0.658

To get the formatting closer to what you had in mind in your original post, we can use a bit of tidyr magic: 为了使格式更接近您在原始帖子中所想到的格式,我们可以使用一些tidyr魔术:

myfun <- function(db,var1, ...) {

  var1 <- enquo(var1)
  var2 <- quos(...)

  db %>% 
    group_by(!!var1) %>%       
    summarise_at(vars(!!!var2), c(mean = mean, sd = sd)) %>% 
    gather(variable, value, -(!!var1)) %>% 
    separate(variable, c('variable', 'measure'), sep = '_') %>% 
    spread(measure, value) %>% 
    arrange(variable, !!var1)


   cut       variable  mean    sd
   <ord>     <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>
 1 Fair      x         6.25 0.964
 2 Good      x         5.84 1.06 
 3 Very Good x         5.74 1.10 
 4 Premium   x         5.97 1.19 
 5 Ideal     x         5.51 1.06 
 6 Fair      z         3.98 0.652
 7 Good      z         3.64 0.655
 8 Very Good z         3.56 0.730
 9 Premium   z         3.65 0.731
10 Ideal     z         3.40 0.658

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