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[英]Method constraint must be super of class generic

How can I do the following? 我该怎么办?

I have a method which I need to say its generic type must be the super of the classes generic type. 我有一个方法,我需要说它的泛型必须是类的泛型的父类。

Here is an example: 这是一个例子:

class Logger : ILogger, IStartable {}

new FluentBuilder<Logger>().As<ILogger>().As<IStartable>();

This shows my intent, however does not work (as it is not syntactically incorrect): 这显示了我的意图,但是不起作用(因为它在语法上不是错误的):

public class FluentBuilder<TService> where TService : class
    public FluentBuilder<TService> As<TContract>() where TService : TContract
        return this;

This is not exactlywhat you want, but maybe a step in the correct direction. 这不是您想要的,但可能是朝正确方向迈出的一步。 You can implement your As method as extension method: 您可以将As方法实现为扩展方法:

public static class Ex
    public static FluentBuilder<TService> As<TService, TContract>(this FluentBuilder<TService> that) 
        where TContract : class 
        where TService : class, TContract
        return that;

The usage syntax is then: 用法语法如下:

new FluentBuilder<Logger>().As<Logger, ILogger>().As<Logger, IStartable>();

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