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我如何在未来的链中读到tokio :: net :: TcpStream?

[英]How do I read_until the tokio::net::TcpStream in a future chain?

I would like to read data from the TcpStream until I encounter a '\\0'. 我想从TcpStream读取数据,直到遇到'\\ 0'。 The issue is that tokio::io::read_until needs the stream to be BufRead . 问题是tokio::io::read_until需要将流设为BufRead

fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Self::Error> {
    match self.listener.poll_accept()? {
        Async::Ready((stream, _addr)) => {
            let task = tokio::io::read_until(stream, 0, vec![0u8; buffer])
                 .map_err(|_| ...)
                 .map(|_| ...);
        Async::NotReady => return Ok(Async::NotReady),

How can I read data from the TcpStream this way? 如何以这种方式从TcpStream读取数据?

Reading the documentation for BufRead , you'll see the text: 阅读BufRead的文档,您将看到以下文本:

If you have something that implements Read , you can use the BufReader type to turn it into a BufRead . 如果您具有实现Read ,则可以使用BufReader类型将其转换为BufRead

fn example(stream: TcpStream) {
    io::read_until(std::io::BufReader::new(stream), 0, vec![]);

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